Chapter 7

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"What do you mean?" Kosuke asked without thinking but he realised his mistake as he quickly apologised but Naruto waved his apology away. "You should probably know." Naruto whispered.
"No! It's okay Naruto-sama! You don't have to force yourself."
"No. Just listen. You know that my parents were murdered right? It wasn't that simple. I was there, Kosuke. I was there when they were killed. If I hadn't been so selfish, if I had just kept quiet, the man would have just got to me and left. My parents wouldn't be involved! It was disguised as a robbery but it's not that small. They wanted the company. Getting rid of the heir first was their plan, then they wanted to work their way up and into my parents trust where they will be named the successor as the heir had died and then they were going to get rid of my parents. If I hadn't screamed so loudly, they wouldn't have heard me. They wouldn't have to died. They came running down after hearing me scream because of my selfishness and they were killed. I just sat there and watch, I wasn't able to help as I was being held back by this other guy. Then they came back for me. Stabbed me and then flung me out the window. I was lucky I even survived. Now I'm guessing their plan is sucking up to me and then killing me after naming a successor." Naruto finished his story and saw a gaping Kosuke. Naruto blinked away his tears and looked away again. However he couldn't stop it as one tear escaped and a few other drops followed. Kosuke was stunned, Naruto just spilled out his secret. Kosuke moved and embraced Naruto, like how he did to him before. The flight to New York was a comfortable silence, save the fact that Naruto had started sobbing when Kosuke said he was there for him and to let it all out. Naruto's cries were silent and his mouth opened to scream but the sound did not come, it was merely a small almost inaudible almost muted scream that went on and on. It left Naruto to become a gasping sobbing broken child that needed nothing but for someone to comfort him.

"I should call Naru... Maybe not, he might be in his meeting... Maybe I should." Temari mumbled to herself as she stared at nothing whilst having her phone clenched in one hand and stirring her coffee with the other. Konan had brought them all to a coffee shop and they were currently getting to know each other and their relations with Naruto. "Goddammit Temari! Just call him! When has he ever minded when you called in the middle of a meeting?!" Kankuro exclaimed, annoyed at her repetitive speech. Temari looked up as she contemplated about whether which choice is better: call or don't call. "Maybe I should wait for him to call me?" Temari questioned the rest, Kankuro's eye twitched. His sister has never been like this in any relationship. Naruto had truly have a big impact on her in her life. "Hand me the phone, Temari!" Kankuro said as he launched across the table and snatched the phone out of her hand.
"I'm calling Naruto." Kankuro said as he tapped on Temari's screen. It was set on speaker and after just two rings Naruto answered his phone. "Hello Hime." Naruto greeted.
"Hey Naruto!" Kankuro said cheerfully.
"Kankuro. What's up?"
"Nothing, Temari was being very indecisive about whether to call you or not." Naruto on the end of the line could Kankuro grinning from ear to ear, Temari is NEVER indecisive.
"I see. Talk to me Hime." Konan silently 'aww'ed at Naruto's nickname for Temari. Temari eyed the phone before speaking. "I miss you."
"I miss you too, I promise I wouldn't be gone for long."
"B-but you've been working all day long and after what happened, I-"
"I'm okay Hime. So tell me your trip to California." Naruto said, trying to distract Temari from the currently worry she has for him. "Are you sure you have time for this?"
"I always have time for my Hime." Naruto answered, Konan and Temari couldn't help but aww at his statement. "What are you suppose to be doing now?"
"Waiting for the meeting to start, I came early."
"Oh... Then have you eaten lunch? You can't just starve yourself till the meeting ends! You'll tire yourself out." Temari said worriedly.
"I- god, Kosuke. I said I don't need that fancy steak." Naruto said as Kosuke placed a plate of steak in front of him when Naruto said he would have whatever Kosuke buys for him, and he hinted among the lines of McDonalds or KFC but that bodyguard of his just does not listen to him. "Kosuke is not listening you?" Temari teased.
"Unfortunately he is not. Seriously Kosuke? Did you really have to take at least 2 trips just to buy this and Starbucks?" Naruto said and they heard a man laugh in the background and Naruto sighed.
"You're lucky you're being pampered by your bodyguards." Konan said with a giggle.
"They are too pampering." Naruto grumbled and someone in the distance yelled a 'I heard that!'. "So how is your holiday Hime?" Naruto asked again and Temari snatched the phone up and she walked away to talk to her boyfriend in private.
"Naruto really does know how to take people's mind off their worries huh." Kisame said approvingly.
"He does. But he always does it for people and nobody actually is able to help him carry his burdens. He is kind of abnegation." Gaara said and everyone nodded their agreement. He will learn to think about himself. Right?

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