Chapter 9.

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"I can't believe I'm an auntie, I'm so excited to babysit tonight and were going to have ice cream and candy and watch tons of movies." Sage said.

Marley was twirling her hair looking at Sage.... She then turned and looks at her dad and West.... "She's not that crazy, you two will have fun, I promise." West said.

Marley smiled and walked over to West and gave him a peck on the cheek..... and a hug to Mason... "You ready?" West asked.

"I am indeed."Mason said.

West grabbed onto Mason's hand and they walked out the house and we're off to Wests Christmas party at work..........

West was dressed in white button down dress shirt with a black tie and red sweater and dress pants with a pair of Stacey Adams on, Mason was dressed in a grey dress shirt with a satin grey tie on and he had a black cardigan on, with black dress pants... The couple was sharp.

They walked hand in hand to the party and the first person they run into Mr. Bennett he was talking to Logan, his smile dissapeared when he saw West with Mason.....

"There is my boy and my future son in law, give me a hug guys." Mr. Bennett yelled.

He hugged his son and Mason,

"dad your drunk, get a hold of yourself." West said.

Mr. Bennett took Mason around the neck,

"come on son let meet some clients" Mr. Bennett said.

Mason shrugged his shoulders and walked off with Mr. Bennett.....

Logan was standing behind West...

"He's cute." Logan said.

West looked back and smirked

"I know he's amazing." West said.

"You didn't think he was amazing the night I gave you that handjob." Logan said. West turned around so fast,

"that happened by mistake." West said......

West then stormed off to the bathroom.....

Mason was glued with a permant smile, he was being introduced to old ass rich white men.

"Mr. Bennett I'm going to go find your son." Mason said.

"Yes I'm sure I bored you, have fun kid." Mr. Bennett said.

Mason smiled and ran off and he saw West from a distance he dashed towards his boyfriend.... "

Let's dance." Mason said.

"Now you know I don't dance, and all your going to do is grind on me and get me all aroused" West said.

Mason rolled his eyes and pulled West on the dance floor... T

hey danced for like 3 songs and West was done, from a distance Logan looked on and was highly irritated and knew he had to make a move and desperately get West's attention, he saw West whispers in Mason's ear and West dashed off, Logan figured exactly where he was going... To his office. Logan finished his drink and slipped down the hallway and he walked into the dark office

"it took you long enough." West said.

"It's time you stop fool in yourself West when you know I'm the one you really want." Logan said.

West rolled his eyes

"give it up." West said .

Without hesitation Logan slammed West against the wall and kissed him....

"Sorry baby it took me so long,.." Mason said.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he turned the light on and saw West and Logan kissing.

"Oh fuck." West said.

He pushed Logan off "baby I swear this isn't what it looks like." West pleaded.

Logan smirked...

"This is how you wanted it, you wanted Mason to find out his way... About us." Logan said.

West was fuming red

"you fucking lie." West yelled.

"I'm a lie but you didn't mind the hand job I gave you when he was away." Logan said.

Mason's mouth dropped open....

"That was a mistake." West yelled.

"So it's true?" Mason asked.

"I had some drinks and it got out of control, it was just a handjob." West said.

"You let some random ass mother fucker touch the dick that I touch." Mason yelled.

Logan still with a smirk....

"Sorry you had to find out this way." Logan said.

Mason walked up closer and

"sorry huh?" Mason said. He clocked back and knocked Logan smooth out ..... And he turned to West and slapped the shit out of him.... And he stormed out the room and out the party West ran after him.... A taxi came and Mason ran inside of it and it drove off.....

"FUCK" West yelled......

Mason had tears flowing down his face he pulled out his phone and dialed Sunny.

Mason: Sunny I accept the offer to go on tour with you as your photographer.

Sunny: cool we fly out in two hours.

Mason: I'm going home to pack now, see you at the airport.

Mason hung up the phone and the tears continued to fall...

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