Christa Reiss

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          Christa watched curiously as the young boy hooked around the city she was confused, she had been told only adults were able to use the gear and her mother had forbidden her from doing so until she was at least 16. She was only 12 at the time but she was greatly anticipating her 16th birthday. The boy seemed to be coming in her direction his hook placed right above her window and he landed on her window seal looking at her.
           She was scared and not sure what to say she blushed intensely, he looked at her and then retracted his hook flipping out of her window, one of the military police chasing him came by and smacked into the window seal. He was slumped over it coughing up a bit of blood before falling down to the ground below. Christa didn't notice it at the time but that was Cody Ackerman son of Levi he was on the run from the MP after hitting one in the stomach for calling the scouts a bunch of idiots.
         Christa saw him a lot swinging around she admired his skill and wished that she'd be able to swing with him when she was 16. Sadly this was the last time she would see him, or so she thought. She was packing her clothes and supplies for the trainee corps. "Sweetie you're going to be leaving in about 3 hours, have a little bit of fun go out and play with your friends do something besides looking at that boy swing around with his gear..." Historia looked at her daughter who got up and walked over to the window seeing the boy on the ground being held by a scout.
          "I guess you're right mom..." She returns to packing her bag and as she finishes she stands up and walks past her mother and outside. She looked around for a bit, she didn't like going outside there were some boys who always picked on her normally Cody would come swinging around and scare them off but not this time he was just taken away by a scout if the boys came what would Christa do? "Hey blondie!" One of the boys called out, Christa closed her eyes knowing she couldn't go back inside now the boys planned an ambush it seemed as the other 2 blocked the door to her house. "What do you guys want... Leave me alone..." The leading boy Ken had a huge crush on her but she rejected him every time. "C'mon Christa just let me SIIIIIIIIIIIIING for you" his voice sounded terrible he obviously couldn't sing.
          Curt nudged him and shook his head in disapproval. "Fine I'll have to sing my mixtape to her some other time..." Ken hit his fists together, "so have you thought about dating me yet that other boy doesn't even know you exist!" Christa felt a sharp pain in her heart she knew it was most likely true she had grown such strong feelings for him and she hadn't even spoken to him yet she could never gather the courage. "H-he does know I exist..." Christa clenched her fist upset at his statement. The boys laughed at her, "he'd never notice you even if he did it wouldn't matter he's the son of Levi he has ice where his hearts supposed to be" curt just added to the torment.
          "That's fire, curt even though you didn't mean to say it, I'm gonna put that in my mixtape" Christa began to cry she felt hopeless they wouldn't leave her alone. Ken swung his fist at Christa but his fist was stopped. It was Erwin his father, "what do you think you're doing? attacking the queens daughter!? You should be ashamed of yourself!" Erwin dragged his son along and gestured for the other boys to leave as well. Once they were all gone Christa ran to her close friends house. Aisarah who was sure to make her smile she knew it, she pinned all of her hopes on Aisarah making her happy before leaving. She also wanted to know if the others would be coming too. So she took off to Aisarah's house.

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