Son of levi, Cody Ackerman

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          "Hey Cody... Be careful out there..." Cody was thinking about what crane had said to him only about 2 hours earlier. Now here he was in the arms of some scout soldier after avoiding and gravely wounding a few of them with his superior maneuvering skills. Cody was only 12 but his father taught him a lot when he came by for a visit. "Do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused? Stealing, vandalizing, and assaulting pedestrians... Your father will not be happy to hear this..." The scout didn't even look at Cody while speaking, Cody had a deep feeling of regret as the scout handcuffed him and tossed him into a chariot.
          "Humph pathetic... Caught by this scout because I ran out of gas..." Cody was thinking to himself as the chariot began to head off to the surface. "Cody I'm very disappointed in you" his father stared at him highly upset "not only did you cause trouble in the underground cities but you also allowed yourself to be caught" Cody finally looked up to his father and apologized "I'm sorry dad..." Levi looked at Cody with a bit of sympathy he couldn't possibly let his son go to prison "you better be sorry, now if you'll excuse me I have to go and speak with the judge and ask him to put you into the trainee corps instead of prison you'll learn what happens when you get caught..." Cody nods nearly on the verge of tears by the time his father leaves. "The trainee corps? Does he want me to join the scouts like him? Or does he just want me to be on the surface... I'll find out eventually and further more where's my mom? I'll have to ask him when he comes back..."
          Cody sat there waiting patiently for his father as the door opened Cody jumped up and looked up at his father waiting for him to tell him about the choice the judge made. "It's official starting today you are leaving to become a trainee I bought you some clean clothes and I've got you a few supplies for hygiene such as toothpaste and a few toothbrushes" Cody nods and then asks his father quickly "say dad... Where's mom at? Is she sick?" Levi looks into his sons eyes and then says without hesitation "your mother is asleep... Yes indeed she is very sick hopefully by the time you finish your trainee you'll be able to visit her outside of the walls..."
          Cody looks down a bit sad he had no idea his mother was dead and believes what his father tells him. "Now let's pack your things you're leaving in about 5 hours" levi pulled Cody along to a crate that had clothes and supplies next to it. "Now fold these clothes and put the supplies in the crate do this neatly and I'll let you have your knife back" Levi holds Cody's black combat dagger and then puts it in its sheathe. Cody begins to reluctantly pack his crate he then looks at a mirror his father had behind the crate Cody looks at himself seeing that he greatly resembles his father in nearly every way from his eyes to his nose ears and even hair although Cody's hair seemed a bit longer than Levi's. As Cody finished packing his crate Levi handed him his knife so he could carve his initials into the crate.
          "Alright let's go take your crate and put it into the chariot." Cody grabs his crate struggling at first but still carrying it to the chariot before dropping it onto the chariot. "Alright... I...I did it..." Cody sighs deeply as he sits next to his father in the chariot as it pulls off heading towards the trainee camp.

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