Chapter 11

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Love knows not distance; it hath no continent; its eyes are for the stars.

Gilbert Parker
"XANDER". I bang against the cell bars.

'Its been over a week he isn't coming'. I scream and start crying and I struggle to get the chain off.

"NANAMI". My eyes widen and I look to see Xander with a tail and my mothers necklace.

"XANDER HOW ARE YOU HERE". My eyes are wide and tears freely fall. Xander swims swiftly over to the bars and unlocks them then grabs me in a hug.

"Nanami". He tightens his grip on me as I start sobbing.

"I thought you forgot about me". He looks at me.

"I would never forget about you".
It's been a week and we still haven't found my mate yet.

"WHERE COULD SHE BE". I roar in my torn up office. Sasha walks in quickly.

"Xander remember when she said she would be getting married to someone else!". I look up and nod.

"What if he took her". My eyes widen thinking of Nanami's mothers necklace.

"THATS IT THANK YOU SASHA". I hug her quickly then bolt up to my room. I look in my drawers and closet and find it hanging up. I grin then change into my wolf and run to the beach.

'Ok so how do I do this'. I jump in the water with shorts on and put the necklace on and once it's on a tail forms. Without warning I fall seeing as I can't stand on a tail. I grin at the black tail then turn around and swim into the depths of the ocean.

"POSEIDON". I swim around thinking if I call his name he will hear me and sure enough a whirl pool appears before me and he swims out.

"What can I help you with". He booms in a voice probably louder than my alpha voice.

"Do you know where Nanami is". He looks at me confused.

"She should be with you on the surface". I shake my head.

"She was kidnapped a week ago and we searched everywhere then my sister suggested the ocean". Poseidon shakes his head.

"She wouldn't come back here till she found love". I sigh.

"Check With Prince Hayworth though he might help you". I look at him.

"Where is that". He sighs.

"Follow me". A chariot pulled by Dolphins appear and he jumps in.

"Come on son I don't have all day". I nod then hop in. When we arrive at Hayworth's castle I smell Nanami.

"She is here". I jump out and barge in looking for her dodging guards left and right.

"XANDER". My eyes widen.

"NANAMI". I swim right into a door smashing it then see a cell with Nanami in it with a chain around her tail.

"XANDER HOW ARE YOU HERE". I unlock the door with keys I found and I rush over to her pulling her to my chest.

"Nanami". She starts sobbing and I tighten my grip.

 She starts sobbing and I tighten my grip

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