Chapter 13

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'I loved you yesterday, I love you still, I always have, I always will'

'I loved you yesterday, I love you still, I always have, I always will'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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I look down at the gorgeous white dress I'm wearing.

"Are you ready my dear". I turn around and smile at Rose. Nodding I turn towards the church doors.

"You look gorgeous Nanami".

"Daddy". Tears spring from my eyes as I hug him.

"My beautiful baby". He hugs me tightly. Finally letting go he gives me his arm. Once I take it an organ plays and the doors open. Standing there proudly is Xander. As soon as I see him I smile. Walking up to the alter was a dream come true. Rose was crying on Xander's fathers shoulder.

'Wow I feel stupid I can't remember his name'. I laugh in my head. When we get to the alter my father kisses my cheek and I look at Xander smiling.

"This is a dream come true". Xander smiles.

"For you or for me".

"Xander do you take Nanami to be your wife through sickness and in health, will you protect your mate and our Luna".

"I do"

"And do you Nanami take Xander to be your husband through sickness and in Health will you protect your mate and our Alpha".

"I do"

"You may kiss the bride"

Xander looks at me grinning then grabs me by the waist and smashes our lips together.
The party after the wedding was amazing. Nanami and I danced together forever. We got into a cake fight, it was absolutely perfect.
Once we got into my room I saw Nanami walking towards me slowly. She pushes me down on the bed and a passionate kiss develops.

"Nanami are you sure about this". She smiles sweetly and nods. And that night was probably one of the best nights of my life.

Walking downstairs the next morning my pack greeted Nanami and congratulated us on finally mating and being marked. I snuggle my head into Nanami's shoulder once she begins to tense.

"So your my sisters mate". A man around 19 smiles at me. Nanami grins and jumps into the mans arm.


"Ryan". I hear my sisters voice and Ryan suddenly drops Nanami.

"Sasha". Plates clatter to the ground as Sasha jumps into Ryan's arms bawling. Tears start to flow from his eyes as he begins to cry.

"Ryan". Sasha digs her fingers into his shirt.

"I thought you were dead". Ryan sniffles.
LI'm so sorry baby I'm so so sorry". I look at Nanami and her face is filled with rage.

"RYAN HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO SASHA". Ryan looks at her shocked.

"I'm sorry I..." Nanami walks up to him and slaps him.

"SHE LOVED YOU RYAN". Before Nanami can cause further damage I grab her and bring her to my chest trying to relax her, but it doesn't work.

"NO". She pushes me away and runs up to her room crying.

"NANAMI WAIT". I run after her but the door is locked.

"NANAMI OPEN THE DOOR". I bawl against the shower wall thinking terrible thoughts about how I was with my brother all along while Sasha suffered without him.

"GO AWAY". I start bawling again until I hear the door to our room crash down then the door to the bathroom. I shut up trying not to cry so he will go away.

"Nanami where are you". Xander pulls back the shower curtain.

"Go away". I say weakly after all that sobbing. Xander sighs then picks me up bridal style and brings me over to the bed. He lays me down and lays next to me and brings me close.

"Nanami what's wrong". I stifle a sob.

"I kept Ryan away from her". Xander softly hushes me.

"You didn't do anything Nanami". I start crying in his chest.

"Yes I did". He shakes his head.

"No love you didn't". Finally after much sobbing and talking I finally fall asleep.
Ryan's POV

I cradle Sasha in my arms waiting for Nanami to wake up after Xander came down telling us what happened.

I told Sasha the story of why and how disappeared. Apparently rogues don't like mermen. Once that was all cleared up Sasha told me about what happened to her in the past years and we just caught up. Finally we hear soft footsteps come
Down the stairs.

"Nanami". Xander quietly says to her as she comes over and buries her head in his chest.

"Nanami you might wanna tell Ryan what happened he has been worried". Nanami looks at me sadly.

"I'm sorry for hitting you I was just upset then I felt like it was my fault". I look at her confused.

"What was your fault". She sighs.

"I kept you in the sea while Sasha suffered". I shake my head.

"Nanami you didn't do anything wrong". I get up after putting Sasha down and I hug Nanami. She starts sobbing again while I hug her.

"Everything is ok".

So I was planning on making this a short chapter but guess not xD Nanami's wedding dress to the side for computer and at the top for phone




Love y'all

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