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I wrote this part! -Ali

I appear

Me- ok here's some food. There's Taki's for the Shadowhunters/vampires/warlocks.
And some McDonalds for the Dauntless.

Jace- thank the angel!!!

Everyone starts eating

Me- ok Zeke ask someone truth or dare. Bye James! *disappears*

Zeke- ok Tris truth or dare?

Tris- Dare

Zeke walks over to her and whispers in her ear

Zeke- can ya do that?

Tris- yes.

Zeke- ok get on with it then.

I appear and hand tris dauntless cake then leave

Tris- hey four, want some cake?

Four-*looks like a little kid* yes please!!

Tris-*starts to hand it to him but starts eating it* sorry, i couldn't help myself.

Four-*tears form* aww, I wanted some!

Tris- to bad, sweet cheeks!

Jace-*whispers to clary* why is he crying?

Clary shrugs her shoulders

Zeke- haha! I knew he would cry!!!

Tris- sorry he dared me too!!!

Four- how dare you Zeke? I thought you loved me? Ya know what? *white girl voice* WE ARE SO OVER!!!!


Tori- they are so weird!

Izzy- you got that right!

Four and Zeke hug and fake cry.......

I appear

Me- lol, what happened now?

Tris- I got dared to offer four dauntless cake then eat it in front of him and he cried. Then Zeke made fun of him so Four broke up with Zeke and they are hugging and fake crying

Me- that seems like them
If only casey was here to see this! *then I vanish*


Ootay that was really short compared to Casey's part lol.

Anyway some awesome news

Casey has started a book!!!

It's called Life After The War.

Well I thinks that's what it's called lol

If you want to read it just go to her page CaseyDavidson02

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