Chapter 48: Pik- no, Eletic!!!

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A ear piercing scream echoed through the building, the rats and birds that were hiding in the cracks jumping or flying out in shock.

By breath came out in pants as I rolled on the floor, angrily twisting my body, trying to loosen the restrains around me.

"Let me goooooooo!" I screamed, kicking my legs, gnawing at the rope that were wrapped around my body multiple times.

At first I was allowed to roam around but.... After a sarcastic comment made by moi, I was in this situation. Tied down, again.

"Sorata... Shouldn't we.... Let her go....?" The red eyes male spoke quietly as he watched me struggle on the floor. The ravenette was a very quiet man, someone with few words.

Though from what I've observed he had kind, piercing crimson eyes that seem to hold a quite amount of knowledge. Especially for someone his age. 

I continued to struggle while observing my 'dear' older brother's friend.

Now for Sorata...

That damn bastard was sitting on his bed, his brown hair pointing up in few directions, messily made.

With a small smirk he looked at me before turning his attention back to the T.V. that was on, "Damian, ignore her, she's just wanting attention."

A growl was emitted out of my mouth as I glared at my brother with my emerald eyes, "Why are these ropes necessary?!! Didn't I say sorry?  I wasn't planning on getting captured by the Genei Ryodan from the beginning," I hissed slightly in pain as the ropes rubbed against my already red wrists.

A small chuckle escaped Sorata's mouth as a evil aura surrounded him, "Sorry isn't enough.... What was the one promise I made you made before you separated from me?"

I gulped as I felt a thin layer of sweat start to form on my skin. A sheepish laugh left my mouth. I wanted to scratch my neck but my bounded hands made it impossible to do so.

I have few things that I can do to escape if this was normal rope but... I had a feeling this wasn't normal rope.

It was sturdier that any rope I've seen and for some strange reason I could feel nen being emitted from it. Which means either Sorata or Damian, or maybe someone else made it with their ability.

I snapped out of my thought as I felt a presence sit next to my form that sprawled on the floor.

I eyed my older brother warily, not really knowing what I should say.

The young male just stared down at me with his emerald eyes that were almost identical to mine.

Damian, his friend was watching from the corner of the room, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest that was covered with a red sweatshirt.

Sorata was the first to break the silence, "Why did you do it?"

"My friends were captured, I wasn't going to just let them be taken away," I immediately answered, looking straight into his eyes.