CHAPTER 21 edited

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A bit gory.... Blood and death...

Not too bad thou, just warning! XD



I quietly stood in middle of the two boys who continued to happily talk to each other. I frowned, why did that boy stand out in all of those matches, his strength isn't strong yet he... Something isn't right about him.

"Hey Nijika! Come on, the elevators going to go up soon!" Gon snapped me out of my thought. I quickly scrambled into the small room before the door close.

I sighed in relief, "Oi, what's wrong, you seemed to be completely out of it..." Killua questioned as he looked down at me worriedly. I stare into his blue eyes before stiffening feeling as if someone was looking at us.

I tore my eyes away from Killua and whipped my head around searching for the owner of the stare.

My eyes narrowed at the familiar boy who stood at the other side of the elevator. Killua seemed to have noticed my attention wasn't on him anymore looked where I was looking before nudging Gon with his elbow, catching the black haired teen's attention.

At that moment the elevator stopped.

"50th floor," the lady stated. I slowly walked out of the elevator and watched as the boy that I was staring at came walking out as well. All three of us stood in front of the elevator and stared at the boy in karate uniform.

"Hi," Gon was the first person to speak up. I watched in interest as he greeted us formally in the way people do before a karate match.

"Usu! I'm Zushi, and you three?"

Killua and Gon grinned at the boy introduced themselves. And Gon took the liberty to introduce me as well, "And this is Nijika!"

"Gon, I could at least introduce myself," Gon send me an hesitant smile while scratching his head sheepishly, I just waved my hand carelessly before looking at Zushi, "Nice to meet you Zushi, I'm Nijika Kijime." I smiled, though I still kept my guard up.

The small brown haired boy smiled at me and politely bowed, oh, he's shorter than me, that's an first, "I had the honor to watch your three's match, it was amazing!" Zushi complemented as he walked with us.

Gon laughed, while Killua smirked, "What are you talking about? You came to this floor too haven't you?"

Gon nodded in agreement, "Yeah, that's true, you're just like us!" Haven't my two friends watch Zushi's match? Or was I the only person noticing he was different?

Zushi stopped and smiled putting his palm in front of him, "Oh, no! Not yet, I'm not strong," he paused a look of thoughtfulness appearing on his face, he them turned towards us with a determined look, "Tell me, what dojo are you three from? I come from the Kung-Fu Shingen Dojo!"

The three of us shared a look, not sure how to answer the boy's question.

"Uh, we don't really have one, we've just came here to train," Gon stated as he scratched his chin. Killua nodded in agreement as he scratched his head.

"What?!" Zushi yelled in pure shock, his eyes widening so much the whites were showing. He then bowed his head looking slightly ashamed, "To be able to reach this level with out being guided, I still have to work a lot.

I sweat dropped as he became depressed. It's not such a big deal, but using this chance I examined him. Though I quickly stopped when I felt a person approaching us.