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I shrugged and smiled, I rub my hands together feeling a bit cold, "At least I'm helping you!" I paused when I noticed Gon stopping and pulling out his fishing pole. With great accuracy he used the hook to grab the bag laying on the ground.

"Wow!" I yell as I look at his fishing pole excitedly, that was so cool!

Killua nodded in agreement, "Oh, that's a pretty cool trick, would you let me do that?"

I nodded my head eagerly wanting to try it out as well, "Only if you lend me your skateboard and make me float in the air too!"

Killua and I both share a look before grinning, "DEAL!!!"

With a strong powerful snap of my fingers I made Killua and Gon float into the air as well.


"Whoa! This is so awesome!" Killua grinned as he flipped in the air, his pale hands were inside his pant pocket as he did a few other tricks. Next to him the black spikes haired boy was whole heartily laughing as he swam in the air doing the breast stroke.

Leorio on the other hand was laying on his back as he panted heavily. He had his eyes closed and was resting.

"Hey!" I yell catching all three of the male's attention, "I'm going to drop my concentration of the air and give it to you guys, that way you can control it yourself."

A look of horror appeared on Leorio's face was he pointed at me.

"How the hell are we suppose to do that?"

"Just think, if you want to go forward think in your mind of going forward, you should be able to do it," I easily explain looking at them currently I was upside down in an Indian style, "Are you ready?"

Beside the two boys, Leorio looked a bit uncertain but nodded anyways. I then closed my eyes in concentration going threw my head. I snapped my eyes open and saw myself standing in the middle of a pure white room where there were multiple golden strings connected to different boxes stuck to the white walls, almost looking like a golden spider web. I searched for the box that contained the power that helped be control the elements, I passed by water and earth, searching for the right box. I smirked when I found a box labeled 'air' with fancy golden letters. The box was open and had four strings floating out of it.

I slowly leaned down to pick it up, carefully fingering the thin strands as if they could easily break.

Out of the four strings the thickest one would be mine since the power belongs to me. The other three will belong to Killua, Gon, and Leorio since they are borrowing my power. By cutting it off from the box the power will be theirs temporary, the length of the string is the length how long they would hold the power.

6 hours should be enough. With that I apply saliva on my fingers before wetting the string. The first string easily snapped off, indicating the person's soul and body to be a bit weak. As soon as the string broke the image of Leorio immediately ran through my mind, out of the three boys he was the weakest.

I repeated my action, this time I needed to rub the string before it slowly came apart. I smiled, I could tell this person had a strong soul. My saliva couldn't break through the string, which meant this person had a strong mental strength, but by adding movement the string broke. So this meant this person is strong in the inside, but physically he still lacked a bit.

Like the first string the image of the person popped inside my head. Gon, he needed to improve his physical strength a bit.

The last string which belonged to Killua interested me. Though not as thick as my sting, compared to the two other it was thicker. Also a tint darker.