Chapter 1 - Backstabber

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“What the?!” I screamed. I was drenched from my hips down.

“Oopsie,” I heard a man’s voice say. I turned to my left and saw a sleek black BMW stopped by my side. The window on the passenger side was rolled down and I could see two guys inside.

The one on the driver seat leaned over and said, “Oops. My bad.” He smirked and his beautiful face shone. I was stunned. Nobody had ever smirked at me before and ever looked that handsome. I always thought smirking were for naughty kids who I’d love to strangle any time.

Before I knew it, he was driving away. And I was left drenching on the street.

I grumbled at my stupidity as I marched up the stairs of the school. He didn’t even say sorry! I should have at least looked angry instead of looking awed. But then the face of the guy who ruined my $500 outfit peeked at me from the corner of my mind, making me blush. Nobody can ever look as gorgeous as him.

I gasped as I entered the building. It didn’t look like a school. It was more of like a museum or a party hall in England, not that I’d ever been there. But I imagine if there ever was a party hall in England where the queen parties, it would look like this. The walls were painted beautifully and the ceilings were lit by chandeliers. Mother told me this was the most expensive school in the whole state. But I didn’t expect it to look expensive as well.

“I don’t belong here,” I whispered quietly to myself.

But you don’t belong there too idiot, I thought. I begged my mom to allow me to transfer schools a few months ago. I could not believe I begged her to take me away from my kingdom-correction, my previous kingdom. I was the most popular girl back in Adams High before my so-called friends beheaded me.

Mona, who I thought was my best friend, shouted at me from the end of the hallway, “Hey slut!”

At first I thought she was calling for somebody else and wondered who it is she was fighting with this early. But when I saw her running towards me, I finally realized I was the one she was calling. Before I could even retort back, she had her long fingernails in my hair, pulling and yanking my head.

“How dare you! I thought we were friends!” she spat at me.

“LET ME GO MONA!” I screamed at her. I grabbed at her long blonde hair and pulled as hard as I can.

When we were finally sitting in the Principal’s office did I know the reason why my scalp had to endure that kind of torture.

A picture.

Actually, it was not just a picture. It was a picture of me and Ian, Mona’s boyfriend. We were kissing on the back of his car-as in literally on the back tail of his car. Mona said she found it taped on her locker door which means everybody who passed by her locker had seen it.

I couldn’t really deny the picture. It really was me. But that was the drunk me. As much as a playgirl I was, I would never snatch the boy of my friend, especially not my best friend.

But apparently, our bonding over Barbies since we were little was not enough for Mona to forgive me. The next morning, everybody was avoiding my way. Nobody would even want to sit with me during lunch, when just the week before everybody would die just to have the seat beside me.

By the next day, everybody was calling me a slut. Never mind that I won the title Miss Adams High the year before or that I was the most sought-after girl in our year. I was a slut to everybody.

The afternoon that day, I found out I was kicked out of the cheerleading squad, even though I was the co-captain. Everyday, my life turned more miserable than ever. All the people who wanted to be part of my circle before was dying to get away from me.

All my so-called friends were at Mona’s side, alternately calling me names like bitch or whore or slut just to cheer Mona up Everything was a mess. Macy, who apparently took the picture did not even get a scowl from Mona. Instead, she thanked her for opening her eyes to my betrayal and vowed to be her best friend for life. My life went from everything to nothing.

That was three months ago. My mom finally allowed me to transfer schools after two months of pure torture. I had to wait for another month before my mom found a school willing to take me in during the middle of the year.

I walked quietly down the hall, looking for the admin’s office, feeling intimidated by all the students looking at me. Since the school had not given me a uniform yet, I was forced to wear my own clothes to school.

Well, we don’t have uniforms back in Adams, I thought as I walked down the hall. I always thought wearing your own clothes was the best thing. I have no idea it would be the worst thing to do in a school that requires one. I tried to walk down the hall with my head held high, despite my wet skirt and boots. But I thought you didn’t want to get noticed? My subconscious said.

True, I’ve had enough of the limelight. Ever since what Macy did to me, I loathed the popular clique. They’re nothing but backstabbing pretentious bitches. I vowed to myself that once I transfer schools, I would go unnoticed by everybody and be the class outcast. Better that than seeing the people you treated as friends treat you like dirt.

Fortunately, the person at the office took pity on me and lent me one of the spare uniforms available. It was bigger than my size; a lot bigger actually. I looked like I was wearing a guy’s uniform. But it’s better than my drenched clothes.

When I finally found my classroom, I didn’t know what to do. I stood there by the door, looking at everybody inside the room, hoping nobody would notice me until the teacher came.

“Excuse me,” I heard somebody say from behind. But before I could even move aside, I felt something bump me sideways and I was falling to the ground.


Hey you! Hihi. Here goes my first try at Wattpad. let me know what you think. ;)

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