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                                                                                     F O U R


                                                        d i s t a n c e    m a k e s    t h e    h e a r t

                                                                            g r o w   f o n d er

                                           s a i d   b y   s o m e o n e   s t r o n g e r   t h a n   m e

                                                                              .             .            .

Stef is sat at the kitchen table, grinning and chuckling in between sips of her coffee, Lena is beaming as she scrapes the remainder of the eggs she's prepared onto a plate, and Mariana is giggling at both her phone and Jude as he tries peeking over her shoulder.

Callie watches them all; it seems almost surreal to her that there's a family right in front of her, and there always has been, for nearly a year now. She doesn't like taking them for granted, but sometimes she does, and she feels like shit afterward. 

It's not because she thinks they'd be better off without her, because she's been reassured so much she's close to believing it herself, it's just . . . Occasionally, it feels like they don't care to notice her actual feelings. It simply feels like they don't get it, like they never have, and they never will.

Stef and Lena are amazing mothers, Callie cannot deny that, but they took into account her and Brandon's relationship the first time around quickly and without a second thought they prohibited it. Of course, Callie expected nothing less, but as time went on. . . It's like they didn't put anymore thought into it.

The thought has been stuck to Callie for the past few days.

For people who promote you to be with the person you love regardless of what the rest of the world thinks, they sure are being close-minded. . .

At first it was no surprise, Brandon and Callie were considered brother and sister, it was purely sin for them to connect in the way they did, but . . . It did not take Einstein to realize everything that came after their break-up was a facade, and that they didn't think of each other as siblings.

She sighs to herself, she might as well accept the fact they will never understand. 

"Want some eggs, Cal?" Lena offers, pushing a plate toward her. She politely declines and smiles weakly, "I'm not very hungry this morning."

Lena furrows her eyebrows. She wants to ask if it has anything to do with the dilemma from the other night, but she keeps her mouth shut and nods her head, "Alright." She passes the plate to Jude instead.

Blue Neighbourhood :: Brallie AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now