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                                                                                 E P I L O G U E

                                                                              "Talk Me Down"

                                                            i   w a n n a   s l e e p   n e x t   t o   y o u

                                                         i   w a n n a   c o m e   h o m e   t o   y o u

                         b u t    h o m e   i s   j u s t   a   r o o m   f u l l   o f   m y   s a f e s t   s o u n d s

                                                                        .                      .                 .

There's a empty feeling in the air -- in her chest, really, as she's staring out toward the horizon. They've been driving all night, watching as the sky made gradual changes; from sunset to sunrise, they were there for every moment.

The beauty reminds her of someone who once told her that, 'Beauty is not something you can see, but something you feel.'

Her mother was beautiful, everyone knew it. But it was the rawness of her mother's emotion and the soft melodies she sang in the kitchen at dinner time that drew Callie Foster closer to her, in this weird way. Her heart, her soul; those were the things that counted, that were far more beautiful than anything visible. 

It's been years, and only now she takes in this significance.

With her hand intertwined with his, she feels this again -- This closeness, this homey sensation that she's only ever experienced under the charm of her mother. Riding through the abandoned streets of California with a boy she would've never thought twelve hours ago she'd ever be able to freely love is just as nostalgic as her old bedroom is, with her mother's arms wrapped around her.

Because every moment with him is bittersweet nostalgia knocking her over; the taste of him, the warmth that spreads through her after locking eyes, and the heart-stopping feeling if him against her. She didn't think she would have him like this ever again, so free, so happy to be with her.

But she still finds herself missing her mother. There's a different type of love that's being translated between Brandon and Callie that there was Colleen and Callie. A young love, one that some might describe as uncertain.

She pulls her hand away from his, suddenly feeling unstable. Her heart is beating fast, in a way she doesn't like. She's thinking too much about her mother, she's trying to replace her, too. With Brandon.

And she loves him. God, she loves him. But he can't be Colleen, he will never be Colleen.

Brandon glances over at her worriedly, trying to stay focused on the road at the same time, "Callie are you okay? D-Do you want us to drive back?"

Callie hears the crack in his voice and shakes her head, rolling down her window, "I-I need air. That's all."

Blue Neighbourhood :: Brallie AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now