Cheap Champagne

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This is for mature readers only. If you're under 18, please dont' read.


‘Worst day ever.

I pounded into my phone. Worst day was an understatement. Day from hell was more like it. Damn Marie, answer me. Feeling the phone vibrate in hand, I read her reply.

Bad as in Chocolate or Booze?

She knows me well.  I thought to myself. Why not, I’ve known her for years.


After hitting send, I felt the salty hot tears begin to well up once again. Letting them loose, I read Marie’s reply.

‘20 minutes. Tops <3!’

Setting my phone down on the coffee table, I made my way to the bathroom. Splashing cold water on my face, I looked at the reflection in the mirror before me. My red puffy eyes told the story of what just happened. Still I couldn’t help but ask. Why did he do this to me now? Why did he break up with me when my world was falling apart? He said he’d love me, that he would be there forever and always. Lying asshole!

I couldn’t help but be mad and heartbroken. He was the first man I truly loved. Maybe Marie was right. Men are f*ckers.

Making my way back into the living room, putting in season two of my guilty little pleasure, “Vampire Dairies” I plopped down on the sofa; hoping Marie would get here soon.  

It didn’t take Marie long, before she burst through the door. I couldn’t help but smile, when the first words out of her mouth were. “What did that pansy ass bastard do?”

“Do you know how much I love you?” I told her; feeling the smile break free across my face.

“Of course I do sugar. You’ll love me more once you see what I brought you.” She teased.

Getting up on my knees, I bounced like a little girl excited for Christmas. “What did you bring me?” I laughed.

I watched Marie place one of those burlap grocery bags on the coffee table. “Well… first we have your favorite; dark orange chocolate. Second we have chocolate ice-cream, then cookies, popcorn, and last but not least two bottles of cheap champagne.”

“Champagne?” I questioned.

“Hell yes. I figured you got rid of that dick and figured it was time for a celebration.”

“Oh.” Was all I could say?

“Oh Emma, I’m sorry. I know you loved him. I’m sorry.” She ran into the kitchen to toss the ice-cream in the freezer. “Now what happened?”

I sat there telling her what he said. How it wasn’t me but him. When I was done spilling my guts, she handed me the bottle of champagne she had opened and told me to drink up.  We continued to talk, as I continued to cry and drink my cheap champagne straight from the bottle.

As I continued to sulk in my broken heart, Marie and I snuggled up on the couch to watch my guilty little pleasure; something she hated, but put up with, just for me. I laid my head on her lap as she gently stroked my hair. Feeling her touch comforted me.  I knew I was lucky to have a friend like her in my life.

It didn’t take long for the champagne to take its effect. Marie began to make cracks about Stephan’s huge forehead and how Damon must have a small man ego problem. I couldn’t help but laugh at her blunt distaste for this show. Then she caught me by surprise.

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