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Mysterious POV

India was lost as she sat in the bed unmoving for fifteen minutes staring at the door, with hopes of Kash's return. Ignoring her chatty aunt she ponders on all the past events. What was he trying to tell her? Why won't he just say it and be done.

Lord knows India hated puzzles, and he'd given her a big one with tiny pieces. But all in due time first she must go throw her own storm just like Kash.

Kash on the other hand had walked out the hospital room and slid down beside the door. Why the hell did he kiss her? Was the only question going throw his mind. She meant the world to him. Hearing her question her own life broke the last bit of resistant he had left. He had to show her some one cared anyone other than his little sister and her family. The past six months he knew she was going throw hell he could see it in the way she acted. It was no longer fun for her she was slowly being broken.

While he stood back and watched, saving the day when things got to bad. He was almost to late. If it wasn't for him she be dead right now. Standing to his feet Kash pulled out his ringing cellphone.
"I need you... in Australia as soon as possible." His client Mr. Green said.
"Yes sir be there in a few hours." Hanging up Kash called his pilot.
"Jeffery got my plane ready. I'm needed in Australia."
"Yes Sir." 
Leaning his head up he realizes that he has to leave the country for a while. He knew when Mr. Green called it was important. Dreading how he acted he decided to suck it up and send her a text message.

"Dear IME,
I have to leave the country for awhile. I don't know when I'll be back but I wish you the best baby girl. Sorry that I kissed you and stormed out it was a mistake....
Anyways get well soon.

With that he went on his was with one last peek into the room. Mr. Green better be something serious pulling him away from his vacation and his love.

Kash POV

"Welcome back Mr. London." With a quick nod of his head I got into the waiting car. There was a monilia folder just like any other time waiting on me.Filled with instructions and different account information. As a private bankers and financial adviser I over saw people like Mr. Green. Which in turn made me also a very wealthy man.

Sliding out the car I walked into my home and sat down to go over the files.
How in the hell? Shaking my head I laugh. Mr. Green managed to make 2.5 billion dollars each month in the last six months that I have been gone, but this was a decrease profits must be low. Not all six months though something not right. Usually there's an increase. Looking at the next paper I get to work dividing up everything that he wanted to save for his kids. Also separating the money for him to use again for his business. There was 6.5 billion was left to pay bills and buy what every his heart desired.

Gathering all the paper work I stand and exit my office, Mr. Green had arrived. Always an early bird, he liked the saying "Early is on time and on time is late."

"Mr. Green, welcome how are you?" I ask as soon as I opened the door with a big smile.

"Kash! Welcome back to the land down under!" Tyler Green said smiling as he entered my home. The chefs were cooking dinner and the house was smelling good.

"Thanks Tyler. It's good to be back. How are you?"

"I'm wonderful, just very busy with the businesses but I seem to have run into a rather large problem."

"It all looks like it to me what's going on?" I say walking him to my office. By the time he was explaining my mouth dropped open. A billion dollars from each month was missing. The reason he knew is because he's profits dropped after my last visit. And usually they increase by a few million. Taking a billion for the Boss man is never good. Hell taking anything that's not yours is never good. Looking up from the files I shake my head.

"So who been taking it?" I ask knowing he already knows.
"A close friends two sons that I have working for me."

As he continue to tell me the story I can't help but let my mind wonder off to Ime. She never replied to my text and she always replays. It kind of hurt that she completely ignored me. I think a bout holding her in the arms of someone else and I want to cry. It feels like someone is squeezing your heart so tightly you can't breath, like someone slapped you so hard, that the sound after the hard hit will remain forever in your ears.

Clearing my thoughts I focus on the words coming out of Tyler's mouth. Just like the past fifth teen years I focus on work and not her. Soon enough the maids come get us for dinner and we eat and catch up on other things.

"So you still haven't told this girl Ime that you love her I see." Tyler says stuffing his face with food. Snapping my eyes to his I drop my fork.
"What?!" I ask shocked.
"You heard me. She must be a beauty your not even eating." He says with a soft chuckle.
"She's in the hospital and I'm here of course she's on my mind." I want to pour my heart out and tell someone what I'm really feeling.

"What boy! Why did you leave her?" Tyler yells dropping his fork eyeing me as if I'd lost my mind.
"I fucked up Tyler, I fucked up bad."
"What did you do?"
"I kissed her..," I mutter out stuffing food into my mouth.
"Boy you are so stupid! I'd say it's about time so what happened after that?"
"Then I told her I wouldn't be back and you called and I sent her a text and came here." I say shrugging.

"Idiot! Show me the text." Unlocking my phone I show him.

"Kash in all of these seven years I have known you this has got to be the stupidest thing you ever done. Go home and get your girl."

"I can't do that. She's not my girl. Plus it's more complicated than that."

"I don't care go home and don't come back until you marry her! Mater a fact I'll start planning the wedding with Carly she's been bored. Kash don't let me down I'll call Jeffery our way to the air strip let's go." Tyler said giving me a look that left no room for questioning. He was like the father I wanted I mean my dad was a great father until Kerstin was born and my mom started acting crazy. After a few years he just shut down. Finishing up my dinner I do as Mr. Green instructed and head back to the states.

To hide...


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