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School, that stupid place we have to go to. You know it would be a lot easier to go to school if cute boys didn't go and distract us average girls from trying to act cool even though you don't even notice us.

I wake up and just look in the mirror, I check out my dead ends, figure out if my legs are smooth enough for a skirt today. Then it hits me, everything I did yesterday hits me.
Aww crap, what if Stiles actually ends up remembering my name, that means I exist in his head, which leaves room for judgement.
I run around my room trying to pull together a descent outfit which is trying to say 'I'm trying to be remembered but not putting effort in it whatsoever', it's hard considering I'm putting so much effort in.
After a shower I end up pulling together I simple outfit. A simple white t-shirt with a light blue denim skater skirt, followed with a simple black boot with a small heel, topped with a messy bun and natural makeup with a pale pink lipstick.

I stare in the mirror, thinking to myself 'you are doing this for you, no one else.' No matter how many times I say that, I know it's not true.

Right before I get out of the car, Allison grabs my hand and looks straight into my eye and makes my heart rate drop. She is such a good friends, she knows when I'm struggling or just when to push the boat to annoy me.
'You will be fine Lydia, you got this. Stiles should be fearing you. You're a badass remember that? Okay?'

But I didn't in fact, school was like normal. He acted like I didn't exist all day, nothing new. I knew this was going to happen just deep down I was..disappointed.

While walking back to the car with Allison, she could see how sad I was, 'girl night tonight, you don't get a choice alright?' We both laughed followed by a squeal from Allison as Scott ran up behind Allison and grabbed her turning her around.

Now why couldn't I have that? Actual love. When they were together you could tell that they were truly just focused on one another and nothing else. It made me smile watching them together.

'Ice skating tonight?' Scott sweet smile with a hint of nerves pecked has he said to Allison. She just stared at him then dropped her smile slightly and quickly turned to look at me. 'I can't, Lydia and I are having a girls night.'
Scott gave an understanding look to us then his face quickly brightened up 'how about Lydia tags along?'. Even though Scott said it extremely nicely I snapped back 'third-wheeling on a Friday night? No thank you.' I went to turn away as he quickly said 'how about I bring Stiles? You can hang with him!'.

Aww Shit. I looked at Allison, as she was looking at me trying to figure out if she should put me through another round of embarrassing myself.
She looks at Scott, this time her whole smile drops, before she starts speaking I cut in 'sure I'll come, should'

Allison seems unsure at first but by the time we went home got ready and met up again at the rink she was so excited.
I'm just wearing a simple green dress with black leggings and a black cardigan. When I see Stiles, he looks slightly annoyed, kind of like me.
He doesn't talk to me as us 4 approach each other, once Scott and Allison spilt off, I take a seat on the benches.
There is no way in hell in actually skating. I watch Stiles, he doesn't know who I am still. He grabs his ice skates, but doesn't put them on.
Oh no, don't tell me he's not ice skating as well.
The rink is dead tonight barely any one is actually here, it's been so cold lately, can't blame them.

Instead of sitting by himself Stiles notices my existence and walks up to me and sits next to me. At first I just stare at the ground and wait for my heart to beat out of my chest. But once he is seated, I look at him and give off a small welcoming smile and he gives me one back.
His smile....makes me melt. After the smile exchange it's just silence until he finally breaks the silence, 'It was you yesterday, wasn't it? The one at my house'. Of course that's the first thing he ever says to me, I just look at the ground and say in a cracked quiet voice '...yeah...' I was about to burst out into a huge statement saying what a idiot I am but he looks at me, and I'm lost for words.
He has the most beautiful golden brown eyes and glowing brown hair and just enough freckles.
'Thank you, that was really nice of you...' He doesn't seem to know how to finish his sentence, he looks confused but I look at the ground smiling. Then I see him from the corner of my eye remember, '..Lydia! Thank you Lydia Martin.'

He knows my name, holy crap. He knows I exist, I'm actually alive in the eyes of Stiles Stilinski.

He then looks at Scott and Allison, as they both seem to be struggling to skate. 'You know what, they are a good combination.' Stiles says looking at them and and I follow, they are indeed a good combination you can't help but fall in love watching them.
'And what isn't a good combination?' I reply to him, filled with joy that I'm actually talking to him.
'You know food or even people'
Then I turn back to Stiles and look at the rink and I have no idea what took over me but I just spilled out saying;
'Sometimes there's other things you wouldn't think is a good combination end up turning out to be a perfect combination-you know? Like...two people...together.'

He just looks at me for 30 seconds, it wouldn't have been so awkward if my palms weren't sweating as much as they were. He then looks again at Allison and Scott and simply says 'a perfect combination huh?

We spent the rest of the night trying to skate and I actually shared a few laughs with Stiles and us 4 had a really good time. I didn't speak to Stiles much, but it was enough to make me fall asleep smiling that night.

Ahhh, nothing like reliving Stydia moments. Going to try and make the next chapter a heap longer.
Hope you're enjoying this one xx

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