Too Smart.

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He was smart, knew exactly what he was doing when he thought hard enough. Sometimes being around him made me feel stupid.

I worked as well though, I was clever was able to outsmart him every now and again.

The thing about sticking 2 strong minded people in a situation is that they will get a result no matter the consequence.
Being taken by Barrow a few weeks ago did that do us, we were set to find him. Most importantly it was important to me that I knew Stiles was at least a little bit more safe on this world.

It scared me working with him sometimes, since the 3rd grade I have liked him and knowing that he would risk things for me deeply scares me, I'm not going to lose him. The boy with the baseball bat who was my childhood crush and somehow in this world we had managed to find each other to become friends still stuck me sometimes.

I hold him deeply in my heart as a friend, as someone I can now trust. I could trust him as much as I trusted Ally, but unlike normal friendships it was different. We wouldn't discuss going out or spend hours on the phone. Or even chat about how we become friends and would never label the relationship like how Ally and I would call each other besties 24/7. He was just Stiles to me and I was just Lydia to him, nothing more.

I was the unspoken connection I believed we had, the less talking the more we understood one another.

Barrow was our main focus, not prom or finishing another year of school. Barrow.
Ally and Scott thought we were crazy about catching him. After multiple mistakes from both of us it was due to find him.
That's when we almost did.
Attempt after attempt we had located his location in this old animal den at the national park, little did we know he was expecting us and was prepared.

We gathered the group outside the park and told them the plan, to corner him in the den we had all different tracks to the den just in case, Scott said unsure "You guys sure this nut-job is here?"without even looking at each other or hesitating Stiles and I both just answered,


Shortly following the group separating into the park to find Barrow, I heard a click and wince from behind me as I lead us to the den.
I still walked even though I couldn't hear his footsteps follow me,

"Lydia.." "Yeah?" I brushed off as I jumped over branches and focused on my feet crunching on the fallen leaves.


"Lydia!" he said loudly but it was still quiet to me because of the distance I had created, I turned with annoyance to see what the fuss was about.

A huge metal bear trap was directly under Stiles foot, must of been hidden in the leaves on the ground and prepared by Barrow, he stood as still as possible closing his eyes, "Stiles, don't move" I spat out as I approached him, he rolled his eyes as it was the most idiotic thing to say. Even slight movements could set the trap off 99% removing his foot off with it. 

"Look for a warning label" he quickly said in a panicked voice but also in a smart ass tone,

"A warning label?" at this point his looked more annoyed then scared about a chopped off foot he snapped as he answered me, "Instructions on how to disarm it!"

I got on my knees next to the trap and carefully moved the leaves searching for instructions, then thinking about what I was doing for a second and looked up at Stiles in confusion allowing him to look smarter,

"Stiles, why the hell would they put instructions on the bottom of a trap?"

He breathed heavily as sweat beamed down him closing his eyes and quickly saying, "Because animals can't read." Somehow dropped his attitude and replacing it with fear.

I found the instructions to find out that it wouldn't be any help, "Stiles, we got a problem",

he opened his eyes to find me looking at him almost or even more panicked than him, "Huh?"

I briefly scanned the label then announcing "I can't read either, the instructions are some language I can't even recognize".


Both of our breaths got heavier as I could feel the sweat drip down me, I couldn't lose him. Not like this at least. He took one huge breath and looked at me,

"You don't need the instructions." he said in a calmly voice that was still so shaky. I just found his eyes which mine were still so full of panic and watched him.

"When was the last time you've ever used instructions? Am I right?" I still didn't speak as I was taken back by the way he was talking me, he always made it seem like he was the smart one and I was below him, I never noticed that he paid attention.

"You can figure it out." he paused and thought about how he would say his next sentence.

"Lydia....'re the one who always figures it out."

A weak smile came across me as the words sunk it.

"So you can do it. Figure it out." his eyes went back to his foot. So did mine, within a minute I found a lever to pull, with little warning I just said "Okay here we go". I pulled it and his foot snapped away and I stood up so quickly, a second delay had been created before the trap had set off freeing him.


He bounced off and almost fell over in shock when I stood up and imminently swung my arms around him to make sure he was still one piece, he stood in shock as he just moved his head slightly to meet my eyes. I think I looked more shocked then he did like as if I was the one in the trap

And I watched him breath and shut his eyes with such relief, it didn't even matter we didn't find Barrow, I got to safe someone anyway, I saved Stiles. Which is almost as rewarding.

Thanks for all the votes and the accounts that have added this story to a list and especially thank you all for 500 views!! I remember being happy with 8 views when I released my first chapter, hope everyone is enjoying the story and truly happy people have actually been reading the story xx

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