Silence Screaming.

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My eyes opened, this time. A different room. I wasn't in a hospital. Well at least the one I was a day ago. This room was dark, smelt horrible. It wasn't a hospital room. Not at all.

"Welcome Lydia, clad you're awake."

My eyes fixed on the roof I could only hear the man stick the needle in me that made me able to move again, I was extremely weak, but I could tilt my head over to find a middle aged man, tired looking, wearing a white shirt and tie, he had a bandage wrapped around his head, blood seeking through it.

"" I breathed out, not realizing how weak I am.

The man wasn't quick to answer me, he eagerly answered

"Well Lydia, I thought you would ask how I fixed your coma state since doctor's couldn't figure it out. And to safe your breath I must say the way I fixed you was because I knew exactly what you were poisoned with on the night of the prom, well...because I did it." He laughed at that last part.

I wheezed out, "you?...."

"Yes Lydia, I poisoned you. It was the only was I could get you here at Eichen House, the worst mental institute in America, by forcing your Mum to sign the papers to bring you here, as your only opinion at any type of recovery by convincing your dear Mother it's all in your head. Working Well?

And before you attempt to speak again, which was pathetic by the way, I'm Doctor Valack, I will be experimenting on you of course, I'm looking for something important. I need to test my theory on you. This was a dream for Barrow and I for a long time. Building a human sound trap, hard to explain to someone like you and in your state."

He knew Barrow, I was in a hospital, just a mental one, the worst one imaginable.

I could feel the sweat beam on my forehead as he left the room, I couldn't move, I was so weak. Plus I'm betting the door is locked, even if I got out, where would I go? I don't know my way out.

Dr. Valack come back with equipment I couldn't begin to explain, all so complicated and odd looking. That's when he stuck a huge needle in my head.

You could probably hear the screaming from miles away.

Alright, that was short because I'm setting the situation for the next chapter, I'm actually super pumped for the next chapter, and it won't take as long as this one took. Stay tuned, some epic Stydia coming your way xx

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