Chapter 30 pt2

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Jayde's pov•
BINGO!! I said as I found something to bust this damn door down with. I can't believe I didn't notice this 4 weeks ago. I finally got the door open & told Shea to follow close behind me. We made our way up the steps to the basement when we heard shots being fired in the house somewhere. I looked back at Shea and asked was she ready and she nodded her head. I opened the door & we ran out taking cover. We hid in one of the bathrooms & looked at eachother.

Shea: what the hell is going on

Jayde: They having a shoot out in the house Fawk you mean

Shea: Yeah but who could possibly be trying to shoot up this bitch now

Jayde: My brothers & kamirr & I bet Kashh & Layla here to

Jayde: True let's go we got to find some type of exit,

We ran out of the bathroom & started taking cover once again. I saw one of the lifeless bodies on the floor & took both his guns & handed Shea one. Can you shoot, I asked her,Yes, she replied. We made sure the guns were loaded & began to find an exit. We were running towards to what I'm guessing was the living room & all the shots were getting louder. I kicked the door open to see the scene, it was like a scene in a movie tables & chairs were flipped, the couches had bullet holes in them, feathers were flying everywhere shit was hectic, I thought I was in scarface. I was happy thoe because I seen my brothers, Kashh & Layla, I was even happy to see Kamirr. I ran with my gun aimed at a man trying to sneak up on Kashh & shot him right in his skull. JAYDE!! Kashh screamed, I was happy to see my bitch real shit I missed her. We started shooting the rest of the niggas that was shooting at us then finally no more came out at us.

Jace: let's kill this bitch nigga once and for all

Me & the girls took the back way to Corey's office & the boys took the front, just in case this nigga want to try & run. As we came around the corner he had a suitcase packed & was trying to leave. We pointed our guns at him then he tried to run the other way and the boys had came around that corner just in time.

Kamirr: Now what bitch

Corey: Fuck y'all, all y'all pussies & Kamirr that's why I fucked yo bitch

Kamirr dropped his gun & lunged towards Corey, throwing a hard ass punch that made Corey stumble. Kamirr threw another punch but Corey dodged that one & charged at Kamirr but Kacey had tripped him causing him to hit the plush carpet. Kamirr stood over Corey & stumped his ass out. Okay mirr that's enough he's dead I said to him,we have to go, he pulled me into a tight hug and despite what we've been threw, I'm willing to forgive Kamirr & work on us.

Kamirr: I've missed you Jayde & I'm absolutely sorry from the bottom of my heart to the top, I'm truly sorry & I fucked up bad. But I want you and only you, can you please find it in your heart to forgive me?

Jayde: Yes baby

Jace: Hate to break up this love fest but we got to go like now police on the way y'all and we can't go down

The workers cleared out every safe this nigga Corey had. & loaded the truck up. We were all walking out towards the door when shots were fired towards us . I looked to see if everyone was okay & then I seen Layla laying there blood oozing from her thigh & side, I looked up to see who had shot her & Corey was charging at us then two shots were fired to his chest & head by Shea, we all looked at her in complete shock but quickly had to get it together because we needed to get the fuck up out of here. We walked out of the house , and hurried into the trucks to take Layla to the hospital. I just really hope my bitch is okay.
•Layla's pov•
I woke up in this hospital bed with pain shooting through my body. I looked around to see everyone in my room including Shea, I truly appreciate what she did. Hey baby, how you feeling? Asked Kacey as he came over to kiss my cheek. My body is sore & Im hungry and tired. How long have I been out? 2 days, said Kacey, which reminds me we have to call the nurse in here. I pressed the button & a beautiful light skinned nurse came in the room.

Nurse: Looks like the mommy to be is up

I looked at her like she had 8 heads, then I looked around the room, and these motherfuckas was grinning like they dumb.

Layla: Excuse me? What was that

The nurse chuckled

Nurse: Yes honey your 2 months pregnant

Layla: how could I not have known

Nurse: It's normal but your fine you were just grazed by the bullets & your baby is perfectly healthy as well. I will get your discharge papers ready & your prenatal vitamins and you can go.

I nodded & said thank you and the nurse walked out. I looked at Kacey who was cheesing hard as hell. Are you ready for a baby? I asked him, he looked at me & kissed my lips, as long as it's with you, he said. That made me feel so much better about the situation.


We all laughed, and I cleared my throat, ummmm Shea I just want to say thank you for what you did the other day. No problem girl, she said. Just then the nurse came back with my discharge papers and things. I signed them & made everyone get out as I put my clothes on. I grabbed my belongings, and went into the waiting room with everyone. We all said our see you laters & they rubbed my stomach. Then me & Kacey got into the car & headed to our house. When we pulled up he helped me out of the car & into the house. We showered together, he cooked & after that we just layed in eachother arms thinking of baby names for our unborn. I was excited & I can tell he was too.

Lord that was a lot but finally Corey is dead & out the picture.

Awwwww poor Layla got shot

But Kacey & Layla are going to have a baby yayyyyyy


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