And So We Meet Again

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Hey, Aaron Drake here. You may remember me from "Aaron Drake, Icarus Academy", my first book. Well, 10th grade and a new school. It's Kolachi High School, the most prestigious school in all of Kolachi, where I live. So I've got it pretty good. Didn't I say we'd meet again? The hands of fate planned this out - that we meet again. Anyway, on to the story.

So you know that quote from Harry Potter? The one Dumbledore says about how our choices make us, and not our abilities? Hang on, I'm gonna Google Search it.

"It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices."

Well, I like to think that up until this point, September 17th, I've shaped my new life based on my choices rather than my abilities.

It was my ability that got me into Kolachi High School. But it was my choice to go and leave Icarus, it may show me as a person who's willing to leave behind their friends. But I did stay in contact with them, showing me as someone who values friendship. Which I do. Lately that quote has been meaning a lot to me.

Anyway, new characters! My homeroom has 26 students, including me. Thankfully, Silica and Maya, the girls who got admission with me, are in my class. Sadly, I'm the only newcomer boy in my class for some reason. Poor planning on the administration's part, I guess. Ah well.

I was so nervous in class in my first couple of weeks here. I could hardly speak. When the teachers used to take attendance, I didn't even say "Present", I just raised my hand. I don't think anyone had heard my voice except for Silica and Maya, and talking to them didn't help much since they were basically strangers to me as well, since I've never talked to Maya and I lost contact with Silica.

I kinda sorta little bit developed a crush on this girl in my class, Star. She's really pretty, and Nami and Ashley know her too. Nami, Aileen (this other Icarus girl) and Star were in preschool together. Star actually pointed out to me. She's so considerate. Her hair is so silky and shiny and pretty and her skin is so perfect and she's just perfect in every way. But I didn't tell anyone I liked her, after the disasters in Icarus.

I did end up staring at her in Library, or trying to. I couldn't see the table next to us since it was on the opposite side of the library. I was sitting with Ryan and Fred, two friends of mine in my class. I asked Ryan if he could see Star from his seat and he said he could. Ryan is such a freaking pervert, he gave me the pervert smile about Star. By the end of the period, Fred and I were both asleep. Fred woke up and shook me awake and said "Aaron stop dreaming about Star."

But every time I tried to talk to her I said something stupid. I asked her, "Hey, do you take Chemistry?" for no reason at all, and like an idiot I forgot we had Chemistry together. So each time I tried to converse with her, I said something idiotic.

Life can be so unfair...

Aaron Drake 2: Kolachi High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now