Life TV, Lies and Stalkers

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Have you ever thought of your life like a TV sitcom? I mean, of course, sitcoms imitate life but they can get a bit absurd, and sometimes my life can get absurd too. Anyway, whenever I imagine my life as a sitcom as I normally do due to both my love of acting and my self-obsessed attitude, I think of Icarus like the first three seasons of the show. Since the show is centered around me, I'm always in it.

A large cast was introduced including my friends, my grade and of course the teachers. Then there's the extras, which would be the other grades. Slowly, new characters were introduced, given relevance and the older characters were left behind. For example, Chris, who was my friend in 7th grade, left in the beginning of 8th grade. He was replaced as a secondary lead by Dana, then Selena and Ariana.

By 9th Grade, most of my grade was left and the relevance was given to my main friends and the 8th graders. Some of them anyway. After that, the producers decided to dump the entire cast bar Aaron Drake, and introduce an entire new cast. So they jumped the shark and made me get into KHS. As soon as that happened, BAM, whole new cast. This one is bigger, and as they would have hoped, better.

But of course, the Icarus story still hasn't ended. Every day I go to Icarus to pick up my little brother.

They use this as an excuse to bring back all the old characters who were my friends, like a cameo or something. So lately I've been talking to a lot of people from the grade below me in Icarus. I just get along with them really well, everything just clicks. I don't think my grade in Icarus were my kind of people to be quite honest. So the producers introduce these new characters to show Aaron Drake still has ties to Icarus.

Enough about The Fantasies of Aaron Drake.

I think I have some sort of mini depression. I really wish I had my old friends from Icarus back. It's not that I don't talk to them anymore or see them, it's just that I miss their everyday presence in school.

As if, like, the moments we shared in Icarus I took for granted. I know I can't go back to Icarus, but a part of me does want to go back.

So, remember last week when I accidentally sent that really emo poem to my entire class? Turns out it had a good effect after all. I was only going to show Ariana, but my class surprisingly liking it gave me the confidence to enter the Annual Kolachi High School Elocution with that poem.

The trials were on Monday, September 28th, after we'd had Thursday and Friday off. I'm quite surprised time is flying by so fast - it's already been two months since I've started school at KHS.

So back in Icarus, Selena told me this girl named Alyssa Jared also got into Kolachi High School, and when I checked the admissions list, her name was right there, below mine. Then as any hormone-addled fourteen year old teenage boy who frequently uses the Internet would do, I searched her up on Facebook. And DAYUM she was hot. She had long black hair all the way down to her waist, and she was just so hot. That's like, literally the only word that can describe her.

So in Physics, I decided to ask Mary about Alyssa Jared. I thought Alyssa would be one of those pretty bitches so I got a little worried. I don't handle pretty bitches well. So Mary told me she's really nice, smart and that we'd like each other. My heart bounced. I asked her to introduce me to Alyssa. But I was a total mess that day so I told her to introduce me the next day.

That morning, I made sure my hair was perfect, and that I smelled good (since I heard girls like that). Then, I was going to meet her in break. As soon as I found Mary, recess ended. And this continued for

days until I made sure after Physics Mary was in my sight and never left. Then when I finally saw Alyssa I got surprised.

She looked NOTHING like her Display Picture on Facebook. That day I learned Facebook is deceptive. She didn't look anything like her picture on Facebook. My heart dropped.

Until I found out there are TWO Alyssa Jareds in Kolachi. Then my heart filled up again. Of course, this was before I even met Star. I think Mary still thinks I like the KHS Alyssa Jared.

Anyway, then there was that thing with Ted. Last week this kid in my Chemistry class this guy Ted started poking me on Facebook as soon as we became friends on Facebook. I had no idea why. I poked him back for some reason. He poked me back each time until we had exchanged 19 pokes. Then today, the teachers were having their end of the month meeting (since it was September 30th), and they couldn't schedule it afterschool since the Parent Teacher Meeting was afterschool, so they had to hold it during school.

As a result, we missed fourth period right after recess. So our recess got way longer than it should've been, and in that time I found time to talk to Ted and this other friend of mine Nina. Then, Ted said, "You never responded to my pokes", which confused me since I poked him back. Then, he told me the reasons.

"3 years ago you shared a picture on Facebook which said 'If you have a crush on me poke me.' and so I poked you. You never responded."

Then it all became clear to me. My friends from Icarus, Salazar and all of them, have a habit of going on each other's Facebook walls and going back to 2012 and things like that and commenting and liking on all our old embarrassing posts so everyone can see them. Apparently they had accepted me as part of their group or something, so they brought up that old picture Ted was talking about, and so he started poking me. In short he was saying he had a crush on me.

Of course he meant it as a joke. I hope.

I really hope.

Or else.

That'd be kinda creepy.

And weird.

I hope it was a joke.

We'll find out I guess.

But I hope he was joking.

Not that I wouldn't be flattered.

But still.


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