The Sangat Shaming, Part II

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Kana (Yet another epic 11th grader): Wait, why the hell does Arlen know what Riley is doing? Definite pervert alert right now. You'll never get any respect if you don't give others the same respect back and that's maybe the reason why the two little boys fighting here can't land girls.

*Note: She got a whopping 28 likes. And well deserved likes too.

Alisa: And calling them kids when they're only a year older.

Kana: Think before you make wrong allegations, especially about the people you don't know because I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like it if someone judged you wrongly.

Majrat: Guys peace out the fight ended a long time ago, and would be better if we don't start another argument.

Kana: You should've thought before you dragged our friend into this and disrespected a girl like that.

Majrat: I never disrespected a girl if you could read earlier comments you can see Riley disrespected us. I never abused her or anything.

Alisa: Oh, and if you have a problem with her posting screenshots or anything, unfriend her. You don't have to tell her she's an attention seeker. We already know who the real attention seekers are, your "Sangat Together" wherever you go, telling people how COOL you guys are. Delete her if you have a problem.

Warren: Why'd you drag me into this?

Majrat: You'll understand once you read the comments with a CLEAR mind

Warren: I have read each and every comment and it clearly shows what type of person you are, please try to respect people otherwise you will remain a jackass.

Warren: Nice, man *posts Majrat's Instagram screenshot of Majrat's own call durations*

Majrat: I was tired when I posted that with my limited followers and stop stalking me on Instagram you stalker.

Toro (Some other guy): Yet another beautiful picture *posts picture of Sangat taking a pic in school "Sangat Studies"*

*Note: Cell phones are not allowed in school so whoever took that is in big trouble

Majrat: As if you haven't taken a Snap in school. It seems you people are jealous or obsessed with Sangat. If you have a problem with us block us or unfriend us, because these things against Sangat will not be tolerated so peace.

*Note: Said as if Sangat is the government.

Sadie (Brilliant Head Girl of Icarus this year): You're so screwed for taking these pictures. Unless you have a hell of an explanation.

Majrat: Why am I screwed? Is posting pictures a crime?

Sadie: If it's in school during school hours on Snapchat during class as the picture clearly suggests, yes it's a crime.

Majrat: Well, it's not my phone and I'm not in Icarus (It's true, he left Icarus. Mostly because he failed)

Sadie: I never said it was you, but you felt the need to ask if it was a crime. Whoever took this is in trouble. Never said it was you.

Majrat: Can we please end the argument and discussion, please convey this to your fellow classmates because an argument on Facebook will be of no use.

Sadie: I personally believe in minding my own business but the thing is, this argument was to some extent necessary because shaming someone publicly is not okay. And we all know what kind of shaming I'm talking about (slut shaming btw). It's simple. Live and let live because if you don't like something, it's better to not say anything than to criticise because if you do, then it opens up an avenue for everyone to criticise various things as we all can see happened here.

*Note: Dayum.

Lahin (Remember him? Kind of the leader of Sangat and an obnoxious asshole to boot): Didn't bother to read all of it but whoever thinks Sangat is lame can say that to our face.

Hiromi: No offense, but you're not really as important as you believe.

Lahin: Not about being important, nor am I related to this status at all but Sangat was mentioned and I'm related to that.

Hiromi: I'm thinking you guys need a reality check. It's for your own good.

Lahin: Not associated to this topic. My point was focused on individuals but don't involve others as they are a part of Sangat.

*Note: I don't even understand

Hiromi: Whatever you say.

Maya: It's like you're all waiting for an opportunity to create a scene. Majrat I don't see how you're at liberty to say anything about Riley's life. Know your limits, all of you.

Me (Yes, I finally decided to chime in): I'll add this to my "List of Things To Read When I'm Sad"

Nora: How did Riley talking to her boyfriend lead to this?

Maya: Everything thinks they have a say in everyone's lives

Me: Nora it's because some people have no respect for others and think their views are correct.

Lily: Aaron XD

Nora: Aaron XD XD

Henry (Another Sangat guy who moved to Houston): We still have Kara's nudes.

Nora: How the hell did those pictures even come in between? I thought we were done with that.

Hiromi: You really wanna bring that up? That's just blackmail and abuse. You couldn't bring yourself to delete the chat could you? Well, I can't really blame someone who's used to such underhanded methods.

Nora: Agreed, she did something low but who the hell are we to judge her?

Me: That was the past, and now she wants to live in present. She regrets her mistake and enough is enough. If anyone is still dwelling on that time, get over it and move on.

Riley: Stop wasting your time, these people aren't worth your precious time.

Jason (I've buried the hatchet with him): *posts picture of a "Sangat Birthday" with Vodka, beer and cigarettes*

And that's it. Yes, I know Jason's blackmailing them with that picture but it honestly? It serves them right. They need to learn their place. There's still a bit left, but I forgot to screenshot it and Majrat deleted the comment that everyone replied to, making all the replies get deleted too. What a coward. But, Jason shared the picture with everyone so we all have a little blackmail against Sangat now. At least they know their place now.

I'm proud to have been part of a history Icarus event with changed the pecking order - Grade 11's, 10's 9's on top, with the Sangat on the bottom. As it should be.

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