Ivory Fangs (Ch.12)

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 ******I UPDATED LETS THROW A PARTY~! lol Ok so unfortunately, despite being an 'A' student...im still in freakin school! WTF right? Well im in private school so...yea :/ suckish...i get out after next week,so PArty!! ill be uploading like crazy. I have to toss some creadit towards my editor and coauthor @MickeyM, go check her stories out, their boss, she wrote the majority of this chapter...awesome right? Ok i know you really didnt come to chapter 12 to hear me rant...so....Check out my new stories Storm Shadow and Void..thx. Oh DNT FORGET TO VOTE! OR COMMENT EVEN IF YOU HATE IT! thx happy reading******

Keep Your Fangs Sharp

As Always,


CHAPTER 12!!! :D

Lexi awoke in a much different place after she had been removed from the equation. Her sister was nothing if not persistent in her desire for Lexi. Lexi had been kidnapped, but not in the sense Xia had been, Lexi had been taken and virtually made into a slave, for a person of much lower status than she had herself. She was given to a pack, a pack of rogues.

That was almost two months ago and not much had changed. The pack lived a small compound; it was similar to an animal reserve, except, it was more akin to a hotel with an animal reserve behind it. The building, Lexi had been able to discover was an old hotel, bought by some powerful wolves. They used the hotel a sort of United States headquarters and the land out behind the hotel, which stretched for miles, was used in the place of a game field and exercise field. Lexi had been living in this dump for two months and since she arrived not much had changed, she wanted out.

Sure, she was offered her own room, which rivaled her room in Blackwood in style, but she was also a slave. She was tasked with cleaning, and other boring tasks that were beneath her. 

Her eyes were closed tight and she was dreaming of better days, when she could have anything, and most importantly everything she wanted. Then her long needed slumber and relaxing dream shattered. There were fumbling and noises all around her; she couldn’t make anything out past her heavy lids.

The overhead florescent light flicked on in pale light glory just as Lexi decided top open her eyes wide enough to see something. She screamed as loud as her lungs would allow, which was well into the opera range. “Well, well, well,” one of the men from the pack unexpectedly boomed after cringing, his ears twitching slightly. He was tall with a long and slender figure. Lexi thought he, among all the guys she’d crossed paths with, was the ugliest. She pulled her hair into a rushed, but flawless ponytail while looking away from his absurd gaze, he continued talking on, “Sleeping Beauty awakes.”

“What do you want from me now?” She asked bluntly, even if she remembered his name, she still wouldn’t have rephrased her question more politely. Her mother, Lexi knew smiling thinly, would have been mollified at her lack of manners.

“Nothing it is that you want for yourself.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“Lo and behold, Little Lexi, it’s your feeding day.” He cheered, clapping vigorously in front of her. Lexi thought about slapping him and making a break from this rundown palace of theirs, but the work seemed like too much, especially after the hard work she had done yesterday.

“Story of my life,” Lexi said lamely.

“I’m serious. We have your guest right in the living room. Why don’t you hop right out of bed and we’ll introduce you two. I’m sure you’ll make the best of friends,” the wolf dude smiled. The gesture was creepily echoed around the room by all the present pack members.

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