Chapter One

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The Joker sat in an old chair in the corner of the small 'play' room. Lavender, a girl in her early twenties, sat in front of him with a few toys. She was put in Arkham for severe depression and PTSD. She copped with her unknown past by pretending that she was someone else. She thought that if she acted like someone else, she would be someone else, her pain becoming no existent. So, as she sat on the old carpet, she behaved like a small child, playing and talking to herself. And that's why the Joker was in there, for he was the only one Lavender allowed with her into the play room.

It was a strange how the two became somewhat friends, but no one questioned it. At least not yet. The doctors at Arkham Asylum were giving the two time before questioning them. Even though Dr. Crane wanted the psychotic clown locked in his room, he knew it would help both Lavender and the Joker to have someone. Dr. Harleen, who took care of his case, agreed. To Crane, having each other would help the poor girl get figured out and released, and the Joker put away for good.

"Mister J?" Lavender spoke, raising her head to look at her friend. Her light brown bangs falling in front of her wide eyes.


He leaned forward in his chair, his elbows resting on his knees. His dark eyes traveled around the room, landing on the small window that faced the hallway for a moment. Doctors were watching them, but they were used to it. They just want to make sure he didn't hurt her, because the Joker was unpredictable.

"Am I pretty?" She asked, her head tilting to the side. "My roommate said I wasn't." Lavender scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion, looking down at her toys. "You are beau-ti-ful," He told her firmly. He wetted his lips with his tongue out of habit, leaning back in the chair.

He himself didn't understand their relationship. Normally, he would have despised her, just like he did everyone else. But the Joker didn't. He cared for her. He was constantly trying to convince himself otherwise, but it clearly didn't get him anywhere.

"If she says anything else like that, tell me-ah," he said, before his signature laugh filled the room. Lavender giggled and nodded her head. She was the only person who didn't cringe at the sound of him.

Dr. Crane, Lavender's doctor, tapped on the glass window, a signal that it was time to wash up for dinner. Lavender sighed and put her toys away as the Joker stood up swiftly. The doctor poked his head in, noticing his patient was upset. "Remember we're having pasta tonight," He said with a smile to brighten her up. And it worked. Lavender gasped, a grin on her lips. "C'mon! We have to go before it's gone!" She squealed, looking up at her friend beside her. Out of excitement, she grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the room in a rush.

Authors note!
Sometime soon, I'm going to write a prequel to this story, explaining Lavender and the Joker's relationship and how it all started.
-Karibou (:

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