Chapter 1: That's Not A Leaf.....

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   [YOUR P.O.V]

I took in the autumn air, it smelled of pumpkin and spice.
Oh I loved the fall it was so calm and beautiful.
I watched as the leaves fell the ground there were so many leaves I couldn't believe my eyes.
So being my childish self and no one watching, I scooped up as many leaves as I could into one pile near a bare tree.
I bite my lip as I pushed my last small pile of leaves into the big one.
I straightened my fall jacket and climbed the tree.
On the third highest branch I gripped on the branch ready to pounce.
I jumped and while I was in the air I caught a glimpse of something white.
I gasped as I hit the pile of leaves the sound of crunching leaves filled the air and I looked around to find what ever I just saw.
What ever it was it wasn't a leaf.
I stood up wiping the leaves off my clothes until I
I gasped, it was extremely tall and black with a head as pale as the moon, it didn't look very pleased to see me.
Suddenly large black tentacles emerged from its back.
"Y/n stop standing there and RUN!!!" I yelled to myself, finally I moved my legs dashing toward home.
The Tall creature chased me his hands out ready to grab me and his face seemed to stretch revealing a mouth with extremely sharp teeth.
My legs ached and we're getting tired just as home was in sight all I had to do was cross the street and I'd be home free!
I ran into the street "I can make it I can make it!" I told my self but suddenly head lights of car were the only thing that saw before I blacked out.

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