Chapter 10: Dressed Like The Perfect Groom...

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(Slendermans POV)
Many years later on a cool fall day

"I'll be back Splendy I'm going for a walk.." I called to him heading out the door.
"Okay Slendy." He called fixing a little bear a little girl broke.
The fall breeze was filled a pumpkin spice, one of my favorite smells ought out the year.
I walked about taking in the different colors of the leaves until..something caught My attention.
A teenaged girl climbing a tree about to jump into large pile of leaves...
What in the world is she doing?
I was about thinking she was gonna hurt herself until suddenly ...he dawned on me..
W-wait a second..t-that's..
The girl jumped and as she did so she caught a glimpse of me but lost sight when she landed in the pile of leaves.
She looked around for a second,
Am I dreaming again?
I cautiously approached the young girl trying not to startle her, but she was startled anyway by my appearance.
"No no no, don't be scared.." I called out softly until I got a good look at her face...
(H/l) hair....(e/c) eyes..oh my glob...

"Wow...what are y- I mean ..who are you?" She stuttered got to her feet.
Honestly I was flattered that she changed the what to a who...
"My name is Slenderman.." I replied..
"Oh well nice to meet you Slenderman..I'm (y/n)" she smiled her bright smile..
"Nice to meet you too.." I replied still stunned..
"Wow..your Dressed like the perfect groom...who's the lucky gal?" She placed her hands on her hips making a silly smile.
I couldn't help it..I had to chuckle at that...she more adorable than I remember...
"No I just like dressing like this.." I replied.
"Oh " she smiled, swinging her arms side to side..
Right then I remember the walks we had in my dream..I wonder if they'll better in real life....
"Walk with me (y/n)?" I asked gesturing my self for when she said yes.
(Y/n) smiled another bright smile, "sure" she said jogging up next to me.
"Better about a piggy back ride?" I asked her.
Her whole face lit up. "I love piggy back rides!" She squealed.
Hoisted her around my shoulders and her hands rested around my head.
"Wait a second? How did you know I liked piggy back rides?" She asked looking down at me.
"Wild guess" I chuckled as we began our first walk of many...

The end.....

Dressed Like The Perfect Groom (Slenderman x reader)Where stories live. Discover now