Chapter 9: Wait What?

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I was surrounded by red sky's and (y/n) still falling through the air.
Richard! Richard! Richard help me please!!!

Suddenly I jolted up to the sound of my brothers voice. "Richard? You okay man, your sweating like crazy..."

  I looked around stunned, I was in the Creepypasta Living room.
  "W-hat I am doing here? Where's (y/n)? Is she alright?" I asked frantically.

  "You mean the girl from your dream?" Smexy smirked.

"What are you talking about? Don't play games with me SMEXY..where's (y/n)! " I boomed with anger and fear.

"Richard..we're serious..there's no girl named (y/n)..." Trenderman replied.

I sighed, they must be pulling my way it was a dream..

Immediately I got up and pulled my coat head was pounding like I hit it...just like when I fell from the Farris wheel... I remember it so way it was dream..
   "Richard where you going?!" Splendorman called.
  "To find (y/n).." I replied frowning before heading out the door not letting them say another word.

I looked around. It's fall just like in my it wasn't a dream..
I kept walking, when I remembered I didn't have to walk..
  I teleported to the area of where I first met (y/n) not to far from the street where (y/n) got hit from the car..
  I looked towards (y/n)s house...
  Someone..was moving in...
  A young couple with a newly born baby...

No..,no it wasn't a dream..I remember it like it actually happened. No way it was dream...

Suddenly my brother appears behind me..I turned to them still confused..
  "I-I don't understand.." I muttered.
  "I've gotten those dreams to Richard..when it felt so real..I didn't believe I was awake when I did wake up." Splendy smiled.
"Y-you do?"

"Yea..why just last week I had one of those livid dreams.." He replied wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
  "But I remember every day..every hour...every minute..I just don't was just a dream." I stuttered as they walked me back to the mansion.....

Sorry for the short chapter..
Did you like dat little twist? You mad at me now?
GEE WEEZ IM SORRY MY LITTLE NINJAS!!! That's just the way Sensei rolls!!

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