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I can feel the morning sun beam down onto my pale face, but I defy its will to wake me up, and keep my eyes shut. My chapped lips press together as the sound of muffled voices from the dorm over annoys me. Birds chirp with glee, going on about their daily routine.

Giving into the waking world, my tiring eyes flutter open, gazing upon the white ceiling. I rest the palm of my hand against my sweating forehead, and with a swift motion, push my fingers through my damp black hair.

"Time to get up, Oliver," I mutter to myself. Knowing the events for today will be nothing but cruelty and pure hell.

With some encouragement and will power, my body summits and I begin my morning routine. Shower first, brushed teeth, clothes, and combed hair.

I tuck in my white collar shirt whilst standing in front of my wall mirror, giving myself a quick check before sliding my black rimmed glasses onto my slightly pudgy nose.

My light brown eyes fall onto my moderate handsome face.

Can't help but to notice how normal I look compared to my male peers. No wonder females didn't find me attractive. Although, I know very well that my looks wasn't the reason why. My lack of esteem wasn't what kept females away, but my mysterious demeanor.

With a sigh, my eyes rip away from my reflection, I grab at my books and medical report, and head out of my dorm.

Everyday was different here at Adam Lane Medical University. Most of the students who attend are not the brightest light bulb, in fact, most of the students here were only here thanks to their parents and their trust funds. Me, on the other hand, had to work hard - study hard - to be accepted into this school with a scholarship.

My parents are unknown. My mother gave me up at a young age, so there was no trust funds or anything of the sort. Just me. Just Oliver.

"Mr. Thredson," Professor Dickinson calls onto me.

Slowly, I raise my head, gripping my pen ever so tightly. Heads turn to face me, hushed whispers and giggles spread across the room. My ears turn red as I try to ignore the glances.

"Yes?" I softly say.

"I think it is your turn to present your report," Professor Dickinson informs me. His beady blue eyes looked down upon me as he took one step away from his podium.

"Oh, yes."

Gathering my report, I swiftly make my short (what actually felt like a ten mile) walk towards the front of the class. My palms sweat, along with my forehead. Professor Dickinson seemed to be the only person inside of this room who didn't snicker at my very existence.

"Psychological Evaluation -" Pause. My lips press together, as I take a chance to look up and out towards the many faces who dare to look back at me. Their smiles glued to their snob like faces, hoping to see me fail. "Psychological Evaluation," I repeat while clearing my dry throat, "Is defined as a way of testing people about their behavior, personality, and capabilities to draw con -"

"Speak louder!" Snorted a voice.

My tongue glides against my lips, as my sweaty palms squeeze the round corners of the podium. Now my cheeks flush, matching my hot ears. With effort, I push my glasses back to the brim of my nose, trying to keep my composure.

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