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The thought of going back to class made my stomach twist and turn. Professor Dickinson took my report, and even gave me a free pass from any future presentations. I should be happy. Shouldn't I? I should be happy that someone out here in this cold cruel world gives a shit about me. But nothing never goes well for Oliver Thredson.

Matt heard a rumor going around campus about me and Professor Dickson having an affair.

An affair!

Not only was I the most hated student here, but now everyone in town believes I have some type of sickness for the same sex.

"Is it true?" Matt questioned one Friday afternoon.

My head shoot up to eye Matt with hatred. How could my close friend think anything of the sort? Just because I've never had a female in my dorm or any sexual encounters in my life, doesn't mean I'm into men.

"You can't be serious," I scoff. Shaking my head at his silly little question. My eyes lower back onto the thick pages of my Philosophy text book. Trying to ignore his glossy green eyes.

"I hear Johnny Wilson started the rumor," Matt informs me.

Johnny Wilson.
The idiot and clown of the whole campus, yet everyone loves and favors him. I swore to myself that jealousy was not part of my character, however, the thought of Johnny getting away with everything including murder made my blood boil.

'Oh' is the only thing I can say. And in minutes, the rumor conversation about my sexual orientation is over with.


My fingers tingled with joy as I imagined my hand brushing through Anita Blinkers kink like curls. It's been a week since I saw Anita, but the memory of her gaze was still fresh in my mind. Nothing but regret for not even attempting to speak to her filled my thoughts. Matt could be wrong, but he could be right.

The way our eyes locked. There had to be some type of connection, something there. Something.

A hollow sigh escapes from between my lips as my guilty pleasures are interrupted by murmured whispers and foolish giggles. The library used to be safe to study in. Safe from the bone heads, and self centered bastards. Now, it has seemed as if I have gained myself followers, stalkers if you want to be politically correct.

For the fifth time, I slightly tilt my head  up to give my stalkers a flashing glare. Either, they will look away, or challenge me. Which was never the case since most of them thought they could catch my 'disease' with a simple glance.

Matt, who sat next to me, reading a God awful comic book took notice of my stalkers. In fact, he found all of this type be amusing. As long as he wasn't the one being targeted, it was a laughing matter.

"Ignore them," said Matt. Nudging me with his elbow as his lips curled into a playful smirk.

"I can't. Not if they are everywhere I turn," I reply.

Matt smacked his lips together, shutting his paper book with a snap. Of course, Matt was only right - like always - I could simply ignore them, graduate and forgot all about these rumors once I have my career. However, ignoring something that was screaming at me wasn't as easy as it looked.

"Aren't you afraid that they will talk about me and you? Say something that is outrageous and untruthful?!" I questioned. My focus now on the blond who opens up another comic book. Matt only shrugs, flipping the pages without any care.

"You think I care about what those bozos' think about me? I'm Matt Rivers. Everyone already thinks I'm a creeper. What else can they do, ya' know?"

"But you are a creep..." I mutter.

"Point taken."

Silence grew between us, as my fingers rubbed against the pages of my notebook. The tip of my pen bounced off of the cover of the library books freshly pulled from off of the shelves.  Matt's mutters and hums echoes into my mind as my thoughts began to travel back onto Anita. What was about her that made him swoon?

Could be because she was - different. That complexion. Those eyes. Everything about her made my head spin double time. Yet, I knew nothing about her. Other than her name and her occupation.

"Is she single?" I suddenly blurt out with out any warning. My eyes widen as my cheeks flush with embarrassment. Matt flashed his eyes towards me, his brows knitted with confusion, and his head tilted with curiosity. "Who?" Matt questioned.

"A - Anita...." I whisper faintly. Not wanting anyone else to hear her name.

"What? Yah still thinking about her?" Matt scoff. His face wore a side ways smirk, while those green eyes of his seemed to disappointed or annoyed. "Stop it! You don't want to get caught up with Anita Blinker. She's bad news."

My thick brows cock with suspicion, taken aback by his words. Just the other day, he seemed to be fawned of her. Actually spoke about her as if she was a tool, now he spoke as if he was against her. My lips pinch together as I shift in my chair, leaning back to give my close friend a long and hard look.

Matt shook his head, chuckling with a hint of nervousness and displeasure. "Look, I'm not trying to get into her panties or anything, just trying to help ya out. Brothers gotta look out for one another."

The air between the two of use grows silent once again. Growing tight and dry as our glances challenge one another. His expression had changed. From a twisted smile to complete horror. The need to comment on his statement begged to be free, but I only nod, turning my attention back onto my studies.

After a long day of studying, avoiding Johnny, and pondering on Matt's words. I find myself slowly moving down the streets of down town. The midnight air felt cool against my flushed cheeks as my brunette hair fell onto my forehead. My pale lips pressed against one another as my hands jammed into my slacks. Winter was almost near, forcing the days to become longer and the nights shorter.

"Here it is," I whisper to no one in particular. Before me stood the small pub me and Matt stumbled into just a week ago. I reach out to pull open the door, urging myself to go inside and speak to Anita myself. But as I twist and pull at the knob, the door locks in place, not moving an inch.

I try again, but nothing. My breathing becomes shallow as my thumb brushes my hair out of my brow. After searching and squinting into the dull windows, I settle into giving up and going back to my dorm.

"We are closed." Spoke a charming yet soothing voice.

"Oh! I just -" I began. My body turns but I pause half way through my turn. Those mysterious eyes pull me in as my lips gap with shock. Beautiful as ever, here stood Anita Blinker. The woman I couldn't stop thinking about. The woman Matt warned me about. My guilty pleasure.

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