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That night burned inside of my skull. Anita is becoming my obsession. No matter how much I try to distract myself, all I can do is think about those stunning eyes and how soft her skin is against mine. All I ever want to do now is to be with Anita, but there was no use in forcing something that might be one sided.

It's been days since I've seen her. Every now and again, my soul encourages  my feet to wander off campus to only seek out Anita. But my paranoia and fear stops me from doing so.

My fingers grip my pen. Attempting to listen to professor Watson's speech and write down notes for my next exam, but I can not focus. Not with her inside of my head.
Not with people looking at me like I am a piece of shit. The rumor of me being homosexual spread through the school like wild fire. Everyone acted as if I am sick. Like there's some type of inner demon inside me, wanting to gobble up their souls. Even Matt kept his distance from me. Matt of all people.
"I am doomed to fail in life," I mutter to my reflection. My voice bounces off the gray bathroom walls. Beads of water mixed with sweat rolls down my face as my trembling hands turn the hot water off. "I just know it."

My words stung my self esteem. Causing any little hope I may have shatter into little pieces.

There was always a sliver of hope that I could be more then just, Oliver Thredson. I'd grow up and save lives. Make a difference in the world, become well known and loved. However; that sliver of hope seemed to be masked and buried underneath my paranoia and fear of failure. What could a orphaned boy do?

A small hopeless sigh escape between my lips whilst I stood up straight. Reaching for my glasses which sat on the bathroom sink. As I unfold the arms, the bathroom door opens.

"Well, well - if it isn't faggot Thredson," spoke Johnny Wilson's deep monotone voice.

My head snap towards the brunette, gripping the sink as two of his side kicks enter the bathroom, holding the exact stupid expression as Johnny. Seriously, I thought I left high school behind two years ago.

"Johnny. Gabriel. Luther," I gulped.

Johnny Wilson gives out a low chuckle. Amused by my greet. Clearly he did not come to use the rest room. I stand before the three, fist rolled tight. Dark eyes peering from over my thick glasses. A aching feeling forms in the center of my stomach, as I hold back any fear. Not wanting Johnny to sniff out and find that his intimidation is completely working.

Pulling his already bruised knuckles from out of his pockets, Johnny tilts his head. Blue orbs looking through me without any effort. I was his pray, his punching bag. Whatever frustrations and pain Johnny held from his past and from his family urges to come out. Unable to handle the hurt, he needed to bully others. Those who are too small to stick up for themselves. Someone like me.

"We don't like your kind here, four eyes," Johnny spat.

Naturally, a nervous chuckle falls from between my lips. Causing Johnny to become even more irritated with me. He steps forward, but I stay in place. Looking everywhere else but him. If I really wanted to fight him; I would have long time ago.

"I don't have time for this - I need to get studying." I take the courage to step around Johnny, ready to bolt from out of the bathroom once I've gotten around him. But Johnny is quick, he grabs at my shoulder and pulls me back in front of him.

Gripping my collar, knuckles turning a pasty white as his cold blue eyes dug deep into my own. His upper lip twitched with anger and his cheeks grew a bright pink. I feel myself holding my breath, eyes widening with fear and desperation to just get out of his harsh clutch.

"No one walks away from me, Thredson! Just take this beating like a man, will ya!" Johnny hissed. His two gorilla's for friends chuckled loudly, cracking their knuckles as Johnny removed one hand from off of my collar.

Knowing what will happen next, I embrace myself, squeezing my eyes shut. The last image I could see was Johnny bending his arm back, hand bald up into a tight fist.

Next thing I know, I feel a screeching pain jolt across my left cheek. The pain is so great, my eyes tear up from the sting. My body stumbles back and I crash into the white wall behind me. My eyes flicker open and I realize my glasses were not resting upon my face any longer.

Anger swells inside of my chest. I'm ready to kick, punch, scream - whatever I could do to hurt Johnny Wilson. However; I can't. I just can't.

You're a pansy.

Matt's voice rattled my skull as Johnny kicked the side of me, the top of his boot going deep into my ribs. My nose leak more blood than I could handle and my right eye seems to be blinded due to swelling.

I don't know for how long this beating last. It feels like hours, maybe even years until Johnny had enough with me.

My body trembles with pain and shock, doubling over, spitting out blood mixed with my saliva. I'm left alone to rethink about my life choices.

Why did I come here? To be bullied and beaten for no particular reason? To feel like an outcast?

My lungs struggle to exhale and inhale.

With the back of my hand and long sleeve, I wipe away the crimson blood from off of my upper lip. Placing my glasses back onto my face, I take the time to gather myself.

Thanking God or whomever stopped such a violent act. I don't know how I feel, but my face pretty much tells me how I should feel.

Facing one of the small mirrors mounted just above the bathroom sinks, a battered reflection of myself gawked back at me. Right eye black and purple. Blood caked my lips and nose. Brunette hair a complete mess. I've never looked so awful in my life.

The only thing I can do is smooth back my hair and drink some water from out of the sink faucet.

When I step out from the boys' bathroom, into the crowded hallways. Everyone—and I mean everyone—turned their heads to look at me. My stomach yelps with fear and my heart does backflips. Half of the whole student body looked at me as if I were some type of swamp monster. Few pointed, others whispered a few words to their friends standing next to them, while the small portion seemed to get a kick out of this.

Matt's face suddenly appeared from behind to taller underclassmen. His emerald green eyes grew wide with horror once he noticed who was standing before him.

Something inside me forces my legs to move. They run me straight out of the building. I could hear Matt scream out my name, but I don't look back. I just keep running. Running away from my problems. Wanting to escape everything that might have ruined my pathetic life.

And the only thing that seemed to cause my bitter mind to brighten is Anita Blinker.



This chapter has been long over due and I apologize. Worked on it a little bit and was going to write more, but thought it would be nice to at least post one new chapter.

How all did you feel about this chapter?

I don't really like the helpless Oliver, but that will all change in later chapters! Which I am very excited to write about.

Please remember to give feedback ( negative or positive ) on this chapter. Comment your opinions, vote if you liked it, and please share with your friends!

I'll be on a little a lot more now that I have the motivation.

— Talesofthebeyond ✌🏽️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2016 ⏰

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