Interview Three

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Interview three with TheHeroComplex

What is your number one pet peeve?

Well I think intolerance and ignorance bothers me the most I hate when someone thinks they know what is right when really try are being closed minded and malicious.

Yeah I agree its so annoying when people are judgmental, but then are so wrong! What do you mostly rant about?

Haha I think I mostly rant about stupid people I an go on and on just to make my point that a certain person doesn't know anything. I also rant about politics a lot..


Well I don't like when someone is acting like an idiot and hurting others, it bugs me haha. And because politics is messed up, we don't have anything straight and we don't care about the people although we should.

I agree with all of that! :) What do you hear other people rant about?

Politics, money, family, celebrity's. People can complain about a lot haha.

What is the funniest rant you've ever heard?

Oh my...hmm..I heard one from a family member rant about how much she hated Kim Kardashien, it was so funny. She wet on and on about how crazy she was....

Haha sounds crazy! Thank you so much for being involved with this interview! Thank you!

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