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"There was something there, past the empty look in his eyes.  There was something more."

Since that day, Jongdae wasn't the same. Yonhee would find him sitting beneath the lonely tree, knees drawn to his chest and arms around his knees. He'd just stare into the horizon as if it would make the sun set faster. When she would say his name, Jongdae wouldnt respond until she sat beside him. Then he would slowly raise his head and look in her direction just slightly, eyes distant and distressed.

There was something there, past the empty look.

And Yonhee would cry. She couldn't stand seeing him like this, so distant, so lost. She would put her hand over her mouth to stifle her sobs and squeeze her eyes shut as if to block out the world.

And Jongdae would sit there in absolute silence, his chin on his arms and still staring into the distance.

And sometimes, sometimes, Yonhee would open her tear- filled eyes to see a single streaking jewel move down his cheek.

And Yonhee would continue to cry.

Dancing to Thunder - Kim JongdaeWhere stories live. Discover now