Come Back

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"One two three
You left me but
I can hear you breathing from somewhere

Once again Four five six
Red tears are flowing...
Come back home, can you come back home? Don't leave me at the end of this cold earth and come to me."

Yonhee visited the tree constantly to try and see Jongdae.  He didn't come for a solid week before she finally spotted his silhouette amongst the roots of the large, lonely tree.

She took a seat beside him and reached out, grabbing his left hand and holding it tightly between both of hers. His hand was cold in hers, nearly lifeless and if Yonhee hadn't seen the rise and fall of his chest, she would have believed him to be dead.

It was day like this in which she wanted to cry.

The only thing was that Yonhee had ran out of tears, her body dried out from crying too much. It was almost as if her heart had built up a steel wall around it to block out these horrible emotions.

Yonhee slowly reached out with her left hand and brushed her fingers through Jongdaes dark hair. She murmured his name quietly and, after a moment, he finally stirred and slowly flicked his gaze to her. He didn't speak, but Han Yonhee took it as permission to speak.

She bit her lip and slowly scooted closer to Jongdae, sliding her arms around his neck and burying her face in the crook of his shoulder.

Yonhee sobbed into his shirt; dry, almost full-on sobs that lacked tears and only shook her shoulder and shuddered her breathing.

She felt the gentle pressure of Jongdaes lips on her hair and it only made her want to cry more.

Kim Jongdae's inner thunder had gone, as if it had been stolen away. It was as if he was just a shell of the person he used to be, his spirit stolen by the greedy wind.

The old Kim Jongdae was gone, replaced by some sort of empty cage of a robot.

The old Han Yonhee still cried over the loss of Kim Jongdae, and the new her held on desperately to this shell of a boy.

She waited for him to return so she wasn't left alone on this cold world, holding onto nothing.

Come back home

Come back home

And finally the tears came, fresh and warm. She begged him to go back to normal, to come back, to stop distancing himself.

And all Kim Jongdae did was fold his arms around her and hold her close.

This was the hell they were both living.

Dancing to Thunder - Kim JongdaeWhere stories live. Discover now