The London Underground #1

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Alright, so after a bit of a break, I'm back. Hi! Anyway, this oneshot is part one of three. It's based around the idea that the Doctor doesn't like the subway very much. This one's with Nine, part two will be with Ten, and part three will be with Eleven. I think that's all you need to know about this one, here's the fic.

"Are you sure this is safe, Rose?"
The crowded underground area pulses with human life. The Doctor eyes the shining cylindrical compartment warily, flinching as its brakes bring it to a shuddering halt.
Rose hides a smile behind a gloved hand, not wanting to injure the lofty Time Lord's feelings. "Yeah, I'm sure. Or, do you not trust me?"
The Doctor rolls his eyes. "You, I trust. This metal monstrosity though..."
"Doctor, you fly through time and space daily. I think you can manage a ride on the Tube. Have you really never been on one before?"
"Of course I've traveled this way before, I'd just rather not."
"Well maybe you should've parked the T.A.R.D.I.S. a bit closer to where we needed to be."
The Doctor shakes his head at her teasing. "Well I couldn't very well do that, because-"
The doors on the machine open, the masses around them begin to move, forcing the Doctor to halt mid sentence.
"Rose-" The Doctor sighs as she disappears into the waves of Londoners coming home for the evening. He can either get onto the dreaded public transportation, assuming that his companion has done the same, or he can let the vessel go on without him, and risk getting separated from his companion further. Muttering about the human race's lack of 'organised boarding' skills, he decides on the first option. He steps onto the compartment just as the doors begin to close, and finds himself sandwiched between an elderly lady and a young boy with dark curly hair who looks about as lost as the Doctor feels. Smiling wryly at the boy, the Doctor decides to help out. "Hello. Do you need help finding your mother?"
The boy nods mutely. Reaching down, the Doctor takes the boy's hand, and begins navigating his way through the crowds. Now that he has a child on tow, the people part more easily, allowing him to pass through to the next car with ease. "Do you see your mum anywhere?"
The child shakes his head, holding more tightly to his rescuers hand.
The Doctor turns his head, scanning the car for the familiar face of his blonde friend. "I don't see my friend either. I'm sure we'll find them soon." The Doctor pulls the boy along as he goes into the third car.
"William! There you are!" A middle-aged woman dressed in a neatly pressed suit walks quickly towards him, and the boy lets go of the Doctor's hand. The woman bends down, hugging the child fiercely. He edges away, his face a mixture of embarrassment and relief. The Doctor waves at them as they walk away, managing to hide his worry better than the boy had. Where has his companion gotten off to? Walking quickly to the fourth car, he searches its passengers briefly, and moves on. By the sixth section, he's ready to give up. She must've missed the train. Nothing to do now but wait for it to stop so he can find her. He sits down in a vacant seat and closes his eyes, cursing the day he first heard of this dreaded machine. The Tube creaks with every twist in the tracks, adding to the Doctor's worry. Who checks the safety on these things anyway?
The noise of someone dropping into the seat next to him makes him jump. Great, now he'd have to deal with another stupid human. Didn't they know the meaning of personal space? Hopefully they'd leave him alone. Much to his dismay, he feels a finger poke into his jacket. Eyes flying open, he turns to his neighbour and snaps an angry "What?"
"Well aren't you a ray of sunshine today." His companion tugs at his jacket teasingly, tongue between her teeth.
He looks away sheepishly, "I didn't realise- I thought you were someone else."
She laughs. "'Course it's me."
He glowers at her. "I couldn't find you."
"Aw, was the Time Lord scared without his human to protect him?"
The look he sends her way could make a Dalek turn and flee.
She leans against his arm lightly, entwining her fingers with his. "Well, don't worry, I'm here now."
He gingerly rests his head on hers. "And that's all that matters."

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