A Doomsday rewrite.

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(Author's note) So, here it is, as promised! It's a bit later in the day than I anticipated, but it's done. This fic is a rewrite of Doomsday, as the title suggests. I haven't followed the episode script exactly, as some do, for instance, I have the Doctor's hologram appear with the TARDIS this time, and do not follow the exact dialogue of the characters. I have also ignored the appearance of Donna later on. I think that's all you need to know about the fic, now I would just like to thank all of you for reading. It really makes me happy that you seem to enjoy this collection of short stories, I'm going to try to update more regularly. Anyway, here it is. (End of author's note)  

A beach sits, devoid of life. Nothing moves, nothing breaths, every grain of pale sand seems to be watching, waiting. But what for? A jeep appears on the horizon, moving quickly across the flat plane. Could this be the anticipated object? A small blonde girl steps out of the vehicle the moment it halts, looking somber and apprehensive. A middle aged couple follow her shortly. Although they follow her out of the jeep, she walks alone to the middle of the beach. Obviously expecting something extraordinary to occur. The wind blows softly through her tousled hair. After a few tense minutes spent in stillness, a soft whirring that is all too familiar to the girl permeates the air. Her dismal expression brightens, and she waits patiently as an odd blue box materializes before her. Before she can react, a man throws open the door, and steps out.

 “Hello Rose.” He smiles sadly, tears filling his eyes. At the sight of him, her eyes fill up as well. She reaches out with a trembling hand, craving contact, but he backs away. Ever so slightly out of reach. “I’m sorry, I’m just a projection. No touch.” She lets out a shaky breath.

“Can’t you come through properly?”

“No, if I did, both universes could collapse.”                              

“Oh.” They stand there in silence, soaking in each other’s presence for a last time. “So, this is goodbye then?”

“Never say goodbye Rose Tyler, maybe someday, the universe will comply, and I will be able to come back to this beach, and whisk you off. Just like when we met.” She tries to smile, knowing that he is just trying to raise her hopes. To make parting less painful. The attempted smile turns into dejected frown, and a tear trickles down her cheek.


“Don’t what?”

“Just- don’t.” Tears begin to flow steadily now. He looks at her sternly.

“Rose Tyler, if there’s one thing I would’ve thought you picked up from all of those adventures we had, it would be that you should always hold on to hope.” She chokes back a sob.

“I- I can’t-” His eyes are fill with a deep sorrow.

“Then forget me Rose Tyler. Like I said. Go home, and live a normal life.”

“You think I can just-”

“What?” She tries to regain a bit of composure, determined to say something that should’ve been said long ago.

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