My love is everything

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My beloved must know,
I'm born to this love.

You have summoned me,
Free from my cell,
I cannot return to my self.

For the stars gaze me with you,
The moon turns to me with your humble news.
The sun colors me dark in your fury.
The winds warns me that you are to come.

The rocks tell me of your occupations.
I see only you, I hear of only you.
The world is your shadow,
In my delight in technicolor.

Uplift me out of my ignorance.
For it is a false bliss besides you.

I bear wounds from your service,
I bear inspiration from your presence.
My heart enchants your name.
Nothing is ever the same.

Where ever my back bends,
The earth is my bed.
I will sleep and only awake,
To the impulses of your compassion.

The is no me.
only you and my compassion.

To My Beloved(Poetry Book)Where stories live. Discover now