Do you love?

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Cease your confession!
Words are not to move me.
They can shape imaginations,
Yet they bring nothing to form.

Have you taken form?
Of a body of various sacrifices,
Selfless in its service,
Fulfilling rights of loved ones,
Honoring blood ties of sons,
Dutieful to his family,
Proud to love and to live.

Do you love me?
In your tiredless strive to thrive,
In your helplessness to aid me,
In your height of success,
In my abasement and neediness,
In my weakness,
And my acknowledgement of humaneness,
In my lack of mercy in all that face me.

Do you love me?
All of me and my being.

Know that I'm a creature of beauty,
Only to the eyes not the hearts.
My love illusions the one who claim me,
To a lie of an eternal life,
To a lie of love's limitation.
To a lie of a deceiver's imitation.

My love illusions the one who claim me,
Without due right,
Without the sacrifice,
Without Honor.

Do you love me?
If you do in truth,
Then in truth you need not to answer me.

To My Beloved(Poetry Book)Where stories live. Discover now