My unknown love

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I have only spoken to the doors,
Of every empty room I lay in,
My love for you, they wisphered to the walls.

If only I can breath,
Into you my love for you,
Into you my inspiration to summon you,
Into you awareness of me.

That you may know with certainty,
That my heart longs for you,
With love not enmity.

In my fear to declare it,
My lips know nothing about it,
My hands in shackles know no freedom from it,
My legs are slaves to it,
My mind is declared impaired.
To your awareness I'm indebted.

If only a heavy blow may aid my limbs,
A whisp escape my lips,
A sign engraved on your things,
That its you I love.

Will a color red convey my intent to you?
That the drawn heart in its mid impact on you,
And my name enclose my love's existence to you.

I'm only worth a few note bills in appearance,
As for the secret of my love's existence,
Its worth is in pair with the universe.

To My Beloved(Poetry Book)Where stories live. Discover now