Love Is Freedom

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Take it by your reliance,
Take it by faith.
The is no peripheral gain kept for you at bay.
No reason, only freedom,
That is fate of a lover and his love.

Even when your eyes grow weary,
And the world becomes foreign to see.
Don't begin to long for what is out if reach,
Its bitter and the body fear cold winds.

Your love is freedom,
Freedom without a name.
Your love gives freedom,
Don't beget slave hood of something else.

Endure mockery of this world,
Its echo is only a short lived life span,
and Love is the staff of the radiant souls.

Let the folks of the sensory argue its meaning,
Your love is freedom,
Freedom without a name.
Your love gives freedom,
Don't beget slave hood of something else.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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