Whispers Of The Evanescent

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Life is evanescent, and all things in it are too. Just like time itself, things that may be tangible now, will one day fade until total disappearance.

The seasons of time will gradually change, and with it so will you. Your mind , body and soul will morph over time, and who you were will soon become evanescence too.

She whispers through all that we are on this earth. She is constantly at her work, whirling through the winds of time, setting paths for those who cannot see them yet. Dissolving the paths that you have already come from, until eventually they too will be of no importance.

The only thing that will be left after evanescence has done her work, the only thing that can withstand the power of change ... is the gift of memories.

So make them, make them now. Make them always. Hold onto them, cherish them and preserve them a life time. For memories are more precious than moments themselves, as they have the ability to last a life time.

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