Chapter 6 : The Other Guardian

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A cloaked man came out from inside the cave.

"Hi!" said the man friendly. He's different from his brother who has a cold character.

"Oh, hi!" said Crystal awkwardly.

She thought immediately that maybe being nice will change their mind of not giving her that shiny things.

"Umm... so, Mr. Sade and Mr..."

"Cordy." The man answered.

"Okay... so, Mr. Sade and Mr. Cordy, would you mind if me and my pet sleep here for the night as we have no where else to stay?" asked Crystal weakly.

"Hmm... as long as you don't bother us, it's fine to us!" Sade replied.

"Thank you so much!!!"

She thought if she stay there for the night, then maybe there's time for her to find the shiny thing and solve the riddle.

The men went back inside their cave. Crystal held out her notebook from her bag and read it again.

Tied in a frozen wave
Lied to be saved
Catching the rays
And calling and says:
Here, here, li'l wing
For you shall sing
To break the glass
And out in a flash

"Collin, did you hear that Mr. Cordy was singing this riddle?" Crystal asked.

"Wee! (Yes!)" Collin replied.

"I think that song is this riddle. But, how do we ask them to give that thing to us?"

"Mazii shwenee tudu hikuu mimii wakata shiha duu? (Maybe if you get closer to them, you'll know how and you'll know what is it?)" Collin suggested.

"Hmm... that's a good plan." Crystal said, smiling.

So both of them flew in to the cave until they reach where Sade and Cordy live. When Sade spotted them, he just rolled his eyes.

"Seriously? What now?" asked Sade sarcastically.

"Oh... um, hi. Do we bother you?" Crystal asked, acting all innocent.

"Yes. What do you want?" said Sade through his gritted teeth.

"Oh, nothing. It's just that I um... I heard you were singing before and I really like it. Is it okay if I hear more?" asked Crystal.

"Oh, of course. Come here." said Cordy excited.

Sade shot him a look.

"What? All they want is to hear us singing again. There no harm in that."

"Hhh... oh, well. Fine, they can hear us sing."

"Here here little wing
For I shall sing
La la la..."

"Psst... Collin, try to look shiny thing while they're singing." Crystal whispered.

"Wee wee! (Okay!)"

The brothers finished singing. Crystal gave them applause and plastereda big smile.

"Wow, you both are such a wonderful singer."


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