Chapter 1 : The Forbidden Friendship

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"Hey! Catch me if you can!" said a cheerful voice from the meadow.

"Ha! Game on!" a sweet voice replied.

It was Crystal and Sparkle. They were best friends although they were 2
different kind of fairies. At that time, 2 opposite powered fairies are not allowed to see each other. Not to mention 'TOUCH'.

But Crystal and Sparkle never cared that much to those rules. They met every day after school at the border.

Sometimes Crystal's friends wondered where 'Where could she be going at this moment?' But they never asked.

Every time their leaf watch strikes 6, they said each other goodbye and hurried home.

"Sparkle, I think it's time for me to go." Crystal said.

"Aww okay, see you tomorrow" Sparkle replied and took off.

Crystal flew home and opened the door.

"Hi sis, I'm home!" She said.

"Oh, where have you been?" Claire asked.

'I've just played with Sparkle."

"What did you just say? You played with that fire fairy?!" Claire raised her voice.

"Yeah." Crystal replied.

"Have you lost your mind? How many times do I have to tell you? We water fairies are forbidden to be friend with those mean fire fairies!" Claire almost shrieked.

"Fire fairies aren't mean! Besides, you've never met one, you'll never know what they're like!" Said Crystal as she raised her voice.

Claire sighed. "I think it's better for you to sleep now."

Crystal quickly flew to her room and closed the door. She never understood why water fairies hate fire fairies so much.

The next morning as Crystal get ready for her water lesson, she received a flying-letter which is actually a letter sent by bugs such as bees and butterflies. She tore the side of the letter and realized it was from Sparkle.

Dear Crystal,

Hi Crys, I just finished my fire lesson, will you come and play with me? I'll be waiting at 4. See you soon!

Your dearest friend,

As Crystal walked to Cerratida, the place for all the fairies to practice their powers, she kept on thinking what if her mother knows or what if they got caught by the other fairies when they're playing. She just can't get it out of her mind, even at her lesson. Lucky for her it's almost time to go home. So she waited, waited, and waited and CRRRIIICKKKKK the cricket rang. She quickly grabbed her basket and flew off in a blink.

Crystal arrived at the border and Sparkle greeted her immediately.

"Hi Crystal!" Said Sparkle cheerfully.

"Hey!" Crystal replied.

They both had fun until the sun went down.

"Sparkle, what if our parents know about this? What if they separate us? What if they took me to the pond and lock me there while you got locked up in the lava?" Asked Crystal.

"Umm, I don't know... I just love it when i'm with you, I can have so much fun." Sparkle said as she looked at her Best Fairy Friend.

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