Chapter 07 : A Deal

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Collin dashed out quietly. He began to search around the cave until he gound something black and shiny. Collin was about to take a closer look until he heard Crystal clapped. He went back as fast as he can.

"Wow, you both are such a wonderful singer."

"Cryzal, zuwee kazooa. (Crystal, I found it.)" Collin whispered.

"Really? What is it?"asked Crystal while the brothers chatted to each other, telling how good they were.

"Cu zaazi mizuaa. (It's the frozen metal.)"

"Eh? What is it?"

"Yu noow, thuz theen rere sheene mizuaa. (You know, those black, shiny metals.)"

"Hmm... I don't know much about it but, oh well. Where did you see it?"

"Wu! Wu, nono wellaz Cordee. (There! There, on Cordy's pocket.)"

Crystal immediately form a plan.

"Mr. Sade, Mr. Cordy, can you sing another song? I want to hear more. Encore!" said Crystal, acted excited.

"For sure, miss. Sade, do you remember the Isle of Ice song? Let's song that one." Cordy suggested.

"Okay. On three. One, two, three."

Crystal tried to reach the metal while their singing, but before she could reach it, something grabbed her hand.

It was Sade!

"Okay, thief. I'm done with you. I don't wanna sing for a thief. Neither my brother," said Sade sarcastically, nodded toward Cordy, who seems to be not agree with his brother, instead he gave her a I'm-gonna-help-you look.

A white smoke burst out from Crystal's hand.

"No pain, no gain. Now you better-"

"Hey, brother. Come here for a sec. I need to show you something. Come on." Cordy said as he dragged Sade while he complained that he hasn't finished with Crystal.

Cordy took Sade deeper to the cave. They talked there while Collin approached Crystal.

"Nakato hezawa kurru, huh? (No pain no gain, huh?)" said Collin as he examinated Crystal's hand.

"Collin... he... he turned my... hand... into... to... a block of ice." said Crystal, sobbing.

Collin flew near her cheek and cuddle her. He gave a pitiful glance towards his master. But out of nowhere, he has an idea.

"Cryzal, kushu bankata sakae ratoshi? (Crystal,do you remember the first riddle?)" Asked Collin.

"Huh?... The first... riddle?" Crystal said as she still sobbing.

What was the first riddle that related to these two guys? After a thought, she gone flashback.

A strong and wise creature

The helpless shall ask

A word contains weapon

A weapon contains curse

Hmm... they were strong, indeed. Even Sade able to froze her hand.

But... wise? No, she hadn't heard even one wise sentence came out from them.

They just sang some old, boring, songs she never heard before. Except for the third song they sang, Enclosure. That's a great song, she loves it.

But, yup, she positive they are not the answer for the first riddle. And, anyway, it's like no way Idina or whoever the witch's name is, would like Crystal to bring two alive fairies.

"Not sure about that, Collin. They got some powers but they're not wise. Think about it. And nobody has ever enter this cave, remember? In the riddle, the person or whatever that is, should be had helped many people."

"Hmm... pikatza zuoka wakazu nakata kreto tukara kaata takaree hikatzu. (Hmm... probably, but just in case we don't find anything else, we're gonna come back here and grab them.)" said Collin.

"Okay, now we have to..."

Crystal's sentence was cut by a touch in her shoulder. She looked up and found Cordy, smiling from behind his cloak.

"You guys seemed to planning something. Mind if I joined you?" asked Cordy in a warm tone, very different from the harsh one his brother gave.

Wow, how could they be brothers? The have different personality, real different. Me and Claire have differences but we still have some similarities.

Thinking about Claire made her stomach turn upside down. She misses her home, she's having a homesick.

"Cryzall?? CRYZALLL!!!"

"Aaahhh... you don't need to shout out that loud. If I can't hear anymore, you are going to pay for it."

"Well, I think he's shouting because you didn't answer him. Where has your mind gone? Land of Dreams?" said Cordy jokingly.

"Hahahah... Very funny but unfortunately not!" Crystal answered.

"Okay, but just calm down. You don't wanna my brother hear us or..." Cordy stop his sentence and then, he put his hand on his neck and slide across.

"We're dead?" Crystal guessed with a rising eyebrow.

"Kind of but specifically, off with our head." said Cordy calmly.

"Nakara wazu skaro. (Your brother's scary.)"

"What did he said? Sorry, I didn't catch it." said Cordy.

Crystal give him a curious look.

"What? It's been so long for me to be trapped here so I didn't quite catch what he's saying."

"He said that your brother is scary."


"Wait, Cordy. Did you just said that you were trapped here?"

"Yep, that's what I said and that's why I came to you."

She raised an eyebrow again.

"I need your help."

Crystal's a little surprised from what she has just heard. Did she hear wrong? He need her help?

"I need your help to escape from here. My brother's actually trapped me in here since I'm little. I'm getting bored and I want to know what does it looks like at the outside. But my brother never let me go. So, I want to escape and I need you to help me."

Whoaa... this guy has some issue about his life. His totally his brother's prisoner. Poor Cordy. Wait... why did I pity him?

"So," said Cordy, waking Crystal from her thought, "do you want to help me?" asked Cordy with pleading eyes.

Ooo... how come this guy know Crystal's weakness? Every time someone give her a pleading look or puppy eyes, she just can't resist it.

"Fine, but in return, you must give me what I want." said Crystal with a mischievous smile.

"Anything, except for unusual wishes."

"Nah, don't worry. I only need the frozen metal. So, do we have a deal?" said Crystal as she stretched out her hand.

"Deal." He shook her hand without any hesitation.

Good then. One problem solve, another come. Oh well.

Hi, guys. I'm sorry for the super late update. I'm getting lazy these days and I think I was too focus on my other story since I have written down this story. So... I'm really really really sorry. Please enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you so much. :) :) :)

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