A Life Ago.

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Kurapika was staying in an Hotel room as well as his comrades and his boss, he told me what he was doing there and that he had work to do immediately, almost if just being in my presence could have been a distraction, or worst, to his oh-so-important work, he asked me if i could have kept very quite and not disturb him, so I just said I was going for a walk, it was still afternoon after all, and I wanted to explore a little the town before going to sleep.

So I went around the shops and the market, until three guys  cached my eye: there was a tall man(?) with sunglasses, a short boy with spiky black hair and the last one.... made me faint, but not before I was able to mutter his name out of my own control, and there I knew I was gone again.

-376!!! So I did it!! Yaaay!!!- I heard a female familiar voice call, as I saw Naoko's figure hug me. She was smiling her best, she seemed like a brilliant star on a stage, like the main actress on the red carpet ready to be photographed in her best dress, while I couldn't do anything but stand emotionless, as I didn't really knew what to do in that situation.

-Now [Name] is with her Killua, so don't worry, we are fine!!- she kept smiling and winking, and I just wanted to get back to what I was doing before, and know why those guys seemed so familiar to me.
-S-Sheila, right?- that made my attention spark, as Naoko called me with the name Kurapika gave me.
-I'm sorry....- she muttered:-I couldn't let you die in my place.... but... I WAS SO SCARED!! I DIDN'T WANTED TO DIE!!- She yells suddenly, as I glare at her, not even sure why, then I turn myself to the nothingness around us and i whispered it was better if she left me where I was.

-now I get to be the third wheel of everything that happens, and guess what?? It isn't nice at all!!- I try to keep a calm voice, but I can't as the coldness becomes anger every word I say:

-Did I ever told you I wanted this? NO! and yet you made me be here in your body becouse you couldn't have the braveness to kill me nor die?-

-You coward!- and with this words, I feel drawn back again to life, and opening my eyes I see the white haired guy hugging me tightly and gently stroking my hair, calling [Name].

-I am not.- I say quite coldly, still angry at Naoko for the mess I'm in now, then I got away from the embrace and stepped back:-My name is Sheila.- I say, then as they look at me confused, I add my old number, and I see Killua's eyes widen.

So he knows....

I then turn to the others, that looks at me and Killua confused, as they don't have a clue on what happened, so Killua turns to tell them  but first he asks if I can come with them to a bar, where we can talk about this more calmly, and I agree.


As we sit in the bar I am beside Leorio, the big 'teen' brother, as he asked me to call him, then Killua began the explanation about how he met [Name], the real one, and all he knew about the copies of her, me included. He told also that I was the one with them at the exam, and Gon smiled at me when he knew that, saying that he would have liked to be friend again with me, as I looked away nodding and siglty blushing, not used to warmness and neither sure about this whole 'human acting' I was making mixed well with the guilty I would have felt if I turned the spiky-haired boy down.
-So we can call you Sheila?- Gon asked me, and I told them about how I met Kurapika.
-KURAPIKA? HE IS HERE?!- everyone seems surprised to ear that, but not Killua, that just said he already knew, making both his companions angry.
-He is staying in a hotel room with his boss and some co-workers.... I'm staying with him for the time being, maybe I can convince him to meet you...?- I'm not sure why I want to help them, but the look on Killua's face when he had to say Gon that Kurapika wouldn't have wanted to see us if he had work made me think I should have tried anyway. Just by hearing them talk like this made me instantly remember the things we did at the exam, and I felt suddenly closer to all of them, and calmer too.

-I think I'm starting to remember now... how we met at the exam, and what happened there.... and also what happened before.-I admit to them, as Gon's smile widen and also Killua seem happier about it too.
-And I remember also my promise to myself... That I would have saved everyone, even the Spiders.-I say to them, my eyes beginning to glow with my determination.-So.... I would like you to help me, again.... If we can be still friends.-I then smile to them, as they reciprocate and say that was the plan from the beginning, and that I could count on them.


Wookie's shop~
Hola! This chapter we have Killua! (And Gon too!!) What do you think? Will Kurapika accept to see his old friends? Or he will get stubborn and refuse?

Do you think I should add more KilluaX[Name] moments?

Well, this, that, maybe also the other in the next chapters~♥ stay tuned ok?


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