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Hello there!!! :)

I'm glad to say that this new volume of Fear and Braveness will lead to some answers that in my previous one I couldn't catch up to, and also many of the events that didn't happen in my first one...

BUUUUT!!!! Here there won't be [Name]-chan as main character, but #376, that will develop her own feelings, personality and why not, interests, so is mainly an OC being with traits of her former self, but since the POv is in first person, is like we have our [Name]-chan back again!!

I don't own Hunter X Hunter and it's characters or story-line, this story isn't for money but just for hobbies and fun purposes, no animal would get mistreated in this fan fiction... not real ones, at least!^^

I won't write any OC sheet or so because I'm not going to describe them physically. I hate when I have those (e/c) or so, it confuses me, so I will do as my old story and NOT describe them... much.

I hope you will enjoy this as I will enjoy writing, so...well,

Thank you for the attention, WookieTheBeater.

Fear and Braveness 2~ Story of #376Where stories live. Discover now