Chapter Twelve: Blank Walls

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::):)):):))::):):):::) hi again. I hope you guys don't hate me for an incredibly long wait. Hope this one is good enough.

Very Important: Please read the author's note at the end!

Not edited, sorry if it's shit.

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Chapter Twelve: 

When I was five years old, me and my family got into a car accident. No, not one of those kinds that fatally injure someone, but I guess it was enough to traumatize me. I was diagnosed as an insomniac months after the accident; it somehow affected me, though I had no clue how. 

Tonight, the five year insomniac has returned from the dead. 

It was probably three in the morning, and all I could do was stare at the ceiling. My body was tired, I could feel it wanting to shut down for the night, but nope, my brain apparently doesn't know the word sleep. Some people have little remedies to help them sleep, me? 

Nope. Nada. Zilch. 

All these thoughts were whizzing through my brain, so many and I couldn't stop it. How badly I wanted them to stop, it hurt, remembering So. Much. Shit. 

'Don't be so dramatic', my mother would say. Even though she didn't really say it, I couldn't help but agree with her. I sighed, thinking of where she could be. Although we left off on a rough patch, she's my mom and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss her. Aunt Jaymes is a mom anyone would be lucky to have, she's an amazing person really. I feel lucky to have her as my family, I don't know anyone else who would've taken in a pregnant teenager with two younger siblings like my aunt did. 

If my brain was a person, it would've done a double take at the word 'pregnant' and stare in shock, like the glee club when everyone found out Quinn got pregnant, yah, like that. 

Immediately, my thoughts automatically flew back to the one that pushed me here. Finally thinking of him, thoroughly, not just a blink and on to the next thought. I loved him, I really did, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world when I was with him. He made me so happy, who knows if he felt the same as I did. 

He obviously didn't feel the same way if he had the nerve to cheat on me. For fucks sakes, that asshat really cheated on me! The supposed "love of his life." I really thought we would make it, we were in such a good place in life as a couple. I just don't understand what went wrong. 

Honestly, I'm not sure if I wanna know.

And then, my baby. His baby, our baby. Who am I kidding? This is a freaking baby! Yeah I practically raised my younger siblings, but this is my own baby. I'm so young and I have no clue what I'm going to do, I haven't gone to a real college, I don't even have a job- 

My hand reached up and felt the tear fall from my cheek, at first it was slow and then all at once, it was a flood. I was a mess, literally, my blonde hair everywhere and pieces stuck to my face, nose all runny, face hot and flushed. I hadn't realized how loud I was crying until someone came in. I don't care who it was that came in, I just cried and cried. Next thing I knew, someone climbed under my blankets. This only made me cry harder, louder.

"Shhh, it's gonna be okay sweetheart." Aunt Jaymes crooned while brushing my hair out of my face. I looked at her and tried to smile, I just didn't have the energy. Aunt Jaymes held me to her, rubbing my back and whispering things a mother should tell her child when they cry. 

"What am I going to do?" I said in between sobs, "I can't do this alone, Auntie, I can't." I clutched her shirt tight, feeling as though I would lose her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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