Chapter One: The Pink Plus

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Here's chapter one!! :D Did you guys like the background thing? I thought it was okay. Anyways here's more.

*Cassie's POV*

I'm worrying so much right now. My period is late. It's never late! I have been waking up almost every morning running into the bathroom and throwing up all I have in my stomach. I have been feeling a little dizzy too. The only thing that I can think of is that I'm pregnant, but I just can't be. I'm scared. I can't afford a baby.The only reason that I was accepted into college was because of my good grades and the hard work. If I had the money and I was done with high school and college then I wouldn't be worrying, but seeing as that isn't the case, I'm scared. I was then pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Caro shouting.

"Mommy! Mommy! Adam is messing around with my room! Tell him something!" She yelled while jumping up and down and pointing up the stairs. Her ocean blue eyes full of worry and her shoulder length dirty blonde wavy hair bouncing along with her.

"Caro, sweetie come here. I'm sure he's not, but I'll check." I said while giggling a little.

"Mommy, come on!" She said pulling me up the stairs.

"Caro. Look at me. Honey, look at me." I turned her around to look at me and I crouched down to to get the her height.

"But Adam! My toys! Mommy!" She said trying to get out of my grip.

"Caroline! Listen to me! I am not mommy. Sweetie, mommy is at work right now. I am not mommy, I'm your big sister. I told you to call me by my name, not mommy. Okay sweetie?"

"But I wanna call you mommy. I never see mommy. I don't know where mommy is. Can you be my mommy? Can I call you mommy?" She looked at me with sad and pleading eyes.

"We'll see okay? Come one let's go see what Adam is doing." We walked into her room and there was Adam smiling innocently at me.

I sighed wondering what he did now. "What did you do now, Adam?"

"I didn't do anything this time. Promise."

"Then why are you in Caro's room? Come on, get out and go clean your room. If anything is missing, you will get in trouble. Come on guys. I have to make dinner."

After I made dinner Adam went to his room, did whatever it is he does, and went to sleep. I gave Caroline a bath, read to her and put her to sleep. Now I'm sitting on my bed trying to think of what I'm going to do if I'm pregnant. I was lost in my thoughts and then pulled out again because Caro began crying. I ran into her dark room and turned on the light to see her sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"Shhhh... Shhh it's okay sweetie. I'm right here, it's okay. Shhh." I said as she clung on to me. She kept crying, while she crawled onto my lap. She cried into my shoulder as I was rubbing soothing circles on her back.

"Do you want to go back to bed now? Come on, lay down." I said as I tried to lay her down.

"No! I don't want to sleep here! I don't want to be in my room! I wanna sleep with you, mommy!" She said as she climbed onto my lap again and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Okay sweetie, you can sleep in my bed." I picked her up, grabbed her favorite stuffed animal, Chesapeake. A honey colored bear with a ribbon around his neck. I laid her down in my bed and tucked her in with her teddy bear that she was holding onto so tight. I got in my bed on the other side and she snuggled into my body and lied in fetal position. I leaned down and kissed her forehead and said "Goodnight Caro, I love you." I brushed her hair back behind her ear. She then looked up at me and said "I love you too mommy, goodnight."

I'm pretty sure that she knows that I'm not her mom. I just don't know why she calls me mommy. Yeah, I practically raised her from birth, but I told her since she was four that I'm not her mom. I want her to grow up knowing who her mother really is and how she is. She's seen our dad, but she doesn't know him and is scared of him. I started drifting off into a deep sleep staring at the darkness.

*Next Morning*

My eyelids slowly opened as I tried to focus on what was around me. I looked to the left of me and there I saw my little angel. Suddenly I got up and ran to the bathroom to throw up. I sat there with my face in the toilet bowl throwing up all of the contents in my stomach for at least five minutes. That's it I'm going to the store and buying a test today. After I cleaned up, I walked into my room and Caro was still sleeping. I went to look out the window and saw that my mom's car wasn't there. She works from six in the morning to one in the afternoon for her first job and then she works from five in the evening to midnight for her second job. Sunday mornings are usually boring and we don't really do much. My birthday is in one week, which is the only exciting thing.

Lunch time came around and I made mac and cheese. After we finished eating I grabbed Caroline and and stopped halfway to the door.

"Hey Adam."

"Yeah?" he said walking over from the living room

"I"m going to the store with Caro, do you want something or wanna come?" I asked putting Caro on the floor.

"Yeah, sure I'll come. Can I get some snacks and candy? Please?"

"Yeah come on." I said while giggling.

We got our stuff and drove back home. I saw my mom's car in the driveway hoping she wouldn't be in a bad mood today. We walked inside the house to hear silence. Adam took his snacks and went to go watch tv while Caro went upstairs to play with her toys. I also went upstairs and straight into my bathroom that's connected to my room. I read the instructions before ripping open the box to take out the stick. I did what I needed to do and waited for five minutes, that's when all of these questions started to pop into my head.

Am I really ready?    

Can I afford a baby?

What am I going to do if I am pregnant?

What will Damon say?

Mom? What will she say?

Scarlett? Adam? Caro? Stephan? I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the beeping sound. I looked to my left and I was shaking so bad I almost dropped the test right when I picked it up. I looked at the test and saw a pink plus sign. Positive. Crap. I then grabbed the test and threw it back in the box and into the bag. My mom doesn't need to see this so I hid it in one of my drawers in my bed. I felt numb and I just sat on my bed looking at my bedroom door. I didn't know that I was crying until Caroline came in grabbing my face with her tiny hands making me look at her. I looked into her eyes that were full of worry. Her left hand reached up and wiped my tear away saying, "Cassie? Why are you crying?"

I stayed quiet. More tears falling from my eyes. She then asked me again.

"Mommy? Mommy. Don't cry mommy. You're pretty when you don't cry. Don't cry."

"I'm sorry sweetie. Remember, I'm not mommy. Okay? I'm not mommy." I said with a little laugh.

She reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck and said, "You're a mommy to me. So yes you're my mommy. Don't cry, everything will be okay." I brushed her hair back and hugged her. I hope so. I hope things will be okay.

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