Chapter Two: Not a Mother

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It's been about two hours since I found out that I was pregnant. Caroline was going to wake up from her nap in about thirty minutes, which gave me some time to talk to my mom. Adam was outside in the backyard shooting hoops. My mom came out of her room and came downstairs into the kitchen where I was at.

"Hey mom. You okay?" I said looking at her

"Hey, just fine."

"How's work?"

"It's fine." She said walking towards the table.

"Mom, are you ever going to have a real conversation with me? Not just this. Saying a word or two to each other." I started walking towards the table

"Fine. Let's have a conversation then. Go on, start. I'm listening."

"Have you spoken to Adam? Scar, Caro or Stephan?"

"No I haven't. I don't have time. I always work. Nor have I seen Scarlett or Stephan."

"You know, Caroline keeps calling me mommy." I said looking straight into her eyes.

"Well you're not. You may have raised her, but I am her mother."

"I know that. I told her not to call me that, but she just doesn't want to listen. Are you going to tell her something?"

"I have to get ready for work. We'll talk about this another time, okay Cassandra?"

"Every damn time mom. Every time we want to talk to you, you always say I have to go to work or we'll talk about this later. What the hell mom!? Can't you just give us a few minutes to speak!?" I said getting up and heading to the pantry.

"Cassandra! Watch that mouth of yours! I am going to work alright? We'll talk later."

"Whatever you say mom!" I said tossing some random thing onto the counter

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me! I am your mother and you will speak to me in a nice tone!"

"Just leave to work mom! Leave me alone! I wouldn't be raising my voice at you if you acted more like a mother all the time!"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean!?" She said walking back over from the door.

"You know exactly what I mean! Ever since dad left you started to shut everything out of your life. I was the one who raised Caroline! I was the one who woke up at night to to put her back to sleep. I was the one who taught her how to walk! I did more than you did mom! All you did was work and be depressed! I raised Adam and Caroline! Not you!" I yelled with tears escaping my eyes. My mom just stood there with a few tears streaming down her face. She quickly wiped them away and started sniffling and clearing her throat. That's when Caroline came down stairs rubbing her eyes.

"What's going on? Why are you guys crying?" I ran towards her with my arms out to pick her up. She buried her face into the crook of my neck and I held on to her tightly.

"Nothings wrong baby, okay? Mom and I are just talking. She's going to leave for work now."

"Why? Why can't you stay mom? You always leave us. I don't like it." Caro said looking straight into my mom's eyes.

"I have to, okay? I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye. Tell Adam I said bye." She walked out the door and left

"Mommy, do you want a baby?" She asked while playing with my blonde locks.

"What? Where did you get that from?" I asked while turning my head to look at her.

She shrugged her shoulders and started squirming about so I set her down and called Adam in to tell him.

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