Chapter Six: Something New

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Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, got some family things and school stuff. Here you go enjoy. Also this chapter is dedicated to alyssambug97 because she really wanted an update. :)

Seeing as how moving to Washington after the baby is born, we've decided that we're moving into my aunt's house over the next two weeks. She said that we could stay there as long as we needed, knowing that I'd have to get a job after the baby is born. It's just to much for me to think of right now, most of our things are packed up but we just have to ship it over there and put some things into a storage place. I mean i'm excited to move and all but it'll be new for Caroline seeing as how she's not really used to moving and it's a new school. Adam is pretty fine with it, he can still come back in the summer too. I just want to move and start over already, I don't want to dwell on the fact that Damon would ever cheat on me. Whatever, fuck him. I'm pretty sure we'll be leaving tomorrow night on the plane. It's hard to be leaving the people you grew up with, y'know? Having to leave sunny California to Washington is pretty new, but hey I think it's time for something new. My aunt that we're moving in with has two kids and my uncle Ralph, they're pretty excited about the baby and they'll help us out. I did make my mind up though, her name will be Isabelle Sophia.

"You okay there?" Kyle came outside with a raised eyebrow. The boy worried a lot sometimes.

 I nodded and sighed saying "Just thinking," with that he came to join me on the swing in the front lawn. He pulled me in close to him and I leaned my head on his shoulder. I remember when we were a bit younger, he started doing it to me as a brotherly way to comfort me.

"I'm gonna miss you, a lot. I won't make any promises but I will try to go out there and see you guys, I'm pretty sure I'll be there for the arrival of my little niece." He said with a chuckle, I'll miss the kid. We all grew up together.

"You better come and see us when she's born or I'll kick your ass. She'd want to see her aunts and uncle that live over here." I told him with a smile. He put his hands up surrendering, saying that he'll find a way to visit us.

"So what do you plan on doing now? You have something a plan or at least something in mind right?" I asked looking up at him. Charlotte is going to university with Piper but I still have to ask Andy what he's going to do.

"Hmm... Probably just community college. I don't really want to go to university, y'know?" He just looked ahead at the rest of the neighborhood. Well no Kyle! Seeing as I'm pregnant my plan has changed courses by a lot. My mind wanted me to yell to him. Instead, I just nodded my head.

"Kyle? Mommy? Can I come and sit with you guys?" Came out a happy looking Caroline. The whole moving thing isn't really effecting her, she's actually excited about it. She ran over to us in her two piece Hello Kitty pajamas. Personally, I don't like Hello Kitty, at all, but Caroline absolutely loves her. She planted herself down in between Kyle and I. She just stared at me like she was expecting me to do or say something and I was confused. I ended up being more confused when she started laughing. What is wrong with her? This munchkin has already gone crazy at the age of six, haha.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked with a chuckle. She just shook her head, finally answering me.

"We're moving! Duh mommy. I thought you were smarter." I scoffed and stared at her with my mouth hanging open. Did she just call me stupid? What the hell?

"Say sorry Caroline. You don't say that to people." She looked at me with her big puppy dog eyes and her bottom lip pouting. Oh no.

"I'm sorry mommy. I didn't mean to, I love you." The little blonde girl hugged me while trying not to hurt the baby. Aww, her little sad face, I can't stay mad at her.

"It's okay Caroline. Just don't do it again, okay?." With that she let go of me and looked up at me with a big smile

"Okay. What's it like in Washington? Is it really really far or close? Do you think people over there are different?" Question after question, sometimes she can be so quiet that you don't know she's there and sometimes she can be such a chatterbox.

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