The Truth

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The Dream:
I woke up in a field, I was placed in the middle of everything. The plants around me had an almost golden shimmer, even the blue cornflowers, the red poppys too. I stood up and looked around, it was so peaceful and calming, an almost perfect dream. I walked a bit around, I had long hair again, it blew around me. The skies above me suddenly became dark, thunder boomed and heavy rain started falling upon me. The ground turned muddy, and the crops around me disappeared into the mud. My bare feet were soon stuck in the mud, I was sinking into it. Panick flew through my body, and I desperatly tried to pull myself up. Soon I was under, then... It just disappeared around me, it was almost as if I was in a hole. Under me was a mirror, the ground was a mirror. I looked down on myself, from my eyes fell tears of blood. One of them fell on the mirror, and the mirror shattered under me, just to reveal pure nothingness. And I fell through the darkness...

I kinda woke up, but not in my bed, still just in darkness. I was lying on a dark floor, it was like a checkboard, black and white. Like a kitchen, but it seemed so familiar and yet I felt scared. I looked up, above me far, far up was the hole I fell through. It felt like I was Alice, who fell down the rabithole. The hole disappeared, yet a new light were turned on. The room was lit up by an old lightbulb in sealing, it blinked several times. I was in a kitchen, that just made me even more scared, it wasn't right. I felt like I had been here before, it was dirty, stacks of used plates and glasses were stacked next to a sink. It was filthy, the floor had broken pieces of glass, and old food scattered all around. I made my way to a door, on the other side of the kitchen. I put my ear to the keyhole, no sound to be heard. I slowly opened the door, the scene infront of me was horrible. It was a living room, an old, broken television send static noice into the room. But could barely be heard, the shouting was too loud. A red couch was placed infront of the television, as it normally would. It was cut up alot, and the insides was spread all over the floor. The walls were cracked and filled with different stains of mold. The floor was filled with stains of spilled food and other supstances. In the middle of the room, two strangers stood over a small girl. She had long brown hair, tear ran from her silver blue eyes, blood ran from a cut on her left cheek. There was a man and a woman, the woman was angry and kicked the girl. So did the man who held a beerbottle, they both yelled at the girl. As if time speed up, the strangers left with an incretible speed, as if it was a video speeding up. It stopped and I was left alone in the room with the girl. She was lying on the floor, with an old nightdress on, it was blue and had a cute little sheep on the chest. It was old, and stained with different supstances. She was crying, well... wimpering, in her arms she held a purple teddybear. She hugged it tightly and wimpered into its' soft body. I walked over to her, and kneeled down to her, she sat up and sniffed. Her silver blue eyes were puffed and red, her cheek was red from blood and irritated from infektion. I wanted to hug the girl, she needed it, someone to care. I could relate to her, kinda. I reached out to her, but as if I was a ghost, I couldn't touch her. She was only five years old, or younger, she was thin, small, and pale. She was afraid, she was alone, she was sad, she was crying, she felt broken, she was me. I just knew it, she was me, my eyes, hair color, skin color everything matched me. She was me....
Then the door that the strangers disappeared out of, opened with a bang. Little me looked back and started screaming, out the door came a shadow-like supstance. It inclosed little me, and held her inplace, she was crying louder now, almost screaming in fear. Then the shadow attacked me....

I sat straight up in my bed, I was coldsweating, and my heart was beating. I pinched myself, just to make sure that I was awake. I tried to calm down, what had I just seen?
I stood up, it was 05.00 in the morning, Flare was still sleeping at the end of my bed. I let her sleep, instead I walked to my closet, I opened it a dug into it. I soon pulled out a bagpack, it was from the orphanage, I had never opened it. I opened it and dug into it. Alot of clothes, I pulled everything out, and at the bottom on the bag, was a teddy bear. It was purple and still stained with different things, one of them was blood. Dried blood from so many years ago.
"Plum...." I said the teddybears name, I somehow knew the name. I stood up and walked out of my room, the hallway were dark but I knew where I had to go. I felt the cold doorhandle to Adam's room, I opened the door.
"Oh Hey Glissy, what's up?" Adam was up already, he was in his running clothes. Of course I knew Adam went running in the mornings, I had sometimes gone with him.
"Adam.... I wanna talk to you..." I said. "I want you to tell me the truth about our parents..."

Karen: Oh my... I'm Kinda Proud of that Dream stuff
Erin: Yeah! Go Karen! Im your supporter!
Karen: Okaaayy... Anyways QnA!
Erin: That's right! You have five questions!
Karen: yes, I have five questions myself, you guys have to ask me even more! Some things can be personal stuff but I'll answer all questions that I can get!
Erin: Mini Teaser! Do you have any pets?!
Karen: That is one of the five I already have!
Erin: Dammit, How old are you?!
Karen: Another one!
Erin: Oh come on!! What do you do for fun?!
Karen: Same...
Erin: Are you serious?! Do you plan on creating a youtube channel?!
Karen: Already taken...
Erin: I give up!
Karen: Ok cool!
After two hours of trying to ask a question...
Erin: I quit!
Karen: ok guys remember to ask me lots and lots of questions!!!
Tia is signing out!

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